This is a more feature rich WPF implementation of FFXIV TexTools and replaced FFXIV TexTools.
- Added more translations.
- Removed ability to turn off modlist.
- Added Loading Image, Map Symbol, Online Status, and Weather to UI.
- Models now export at 10x their original size for easier modding.
- Changed the datatype of Normals and Texture coordinates from Half Floats to Singles.
- Changed up axis to Y_UP.
- other smaller tweaks to importing and exporting
Bug Fixes:
- Fixed an issue where certain items were using system locale instead of application language.
- Fixed an issue where some languages would not function correctly.
- Fixed an issue where UI texture would not be imported correctly.
- Fixed an issue where certain head models could not be exported.
- Fixed an issue where a check for .modlist was being called before it was created
- Other minor bug fixes
Know Issues:
- Not all models are exportable as .dae.
- Importing faces appear correctly in TexTools, but crash the game.
Not Yet Implemented:
- Mod Importer
Using HelixToolkit: