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CleverCaption - LLM based batch Image Captioning Tool

CleverCaption is a Python tool that processes images in subfolders of a given directory, generates captions using a remote API, and saves the results in text files corresponding to each image.


  • Processes multiple images in bulk from nested folder structures.
  • Utilizes a remote API to generate captions based on image content.
  • Presents a progress UI using Tkinter.
  • Handles concurrent API requests and manages timeouts.
  • Converts images to base64 for API submission.
  • Saves caption results as .txt files alongside images.


Before you begin, ensure you have met the following requirements:

  • Python 3.x installed
  • Required Python packages installed:
    • requests
    • Pillow
    • httpx
    • asyncio


If conda is installed simply run the install.bat to create a conda environment.

To install CleverCaption manually, follow these steps:

  1. Clone or download the repository to your local machine.
  2. Use pip to install the necessary packages:
    pip install requests Pillow httpx asyncio


If using the conda install method, simply double-click run.bat.

To use CleverCaption, follow these steps:

  1. Ensure your images are organized into subfolders within a master folder.

  2. Run the main script with the path to the master folder:

    python --folder "path/to/your/master/folder"

    If you don't provide a folder path, a GUI will prompt you to select a folder.

  3. The progress of the captioning process can be monitored through the GUI that pops up.

For best results I recommend modifying the prompt and caption_start_template in config.json to suit your needs.

oobabooga text-generation-webui

Follow these steps to configure and use CleverCaption with OOBA BOOGA WebUI and the LLAVA multimodal model:

Step 1: OOBA BOOGA WebUI Configuration

  • Set up the OOBA BOOGA WebUI from its GitHub repository.
  • Run OOBA BOOGA with the multimodal model using the following switches:
    --multimodal-pipeline llava-llama-2-13b --extensions multimodal --api
    If using the ooba 1-click install/run the flags can be added to text-generation-webui\CMD_FLAGS.txt

Step 2: LLAVA Model Configuration

  • Access the LLAVA model on Hugging Face.
  • Modify the config.json file within the LLAVA model directory:
    • Change "model_type": "llava" to "model_type": "llama".

Ensure all configurations are set before running the tool. The instructions above should work alongside the provided CleverCaption documentation and OOBA BOOGA's guidelines.


  • Devise a best method to allow multi-processing (ooba bottleneck)
  • Update UI
  • Update Console Logging
  • Single Folder Mode
  • Enhance and document runtime text replacement (folder in prompt, image name in prompt and caption start)
  • Processing Character and Details, and concept text files for increased information.
  • Semi - automatic Character Tagging Module.


Contributions to CleverCaption are welcome. If you have a suggestion that would make this better, please fork the repo and create a pull request.


Distributed under the MIT License. See LICENSE for more information.


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