Design a turbine blade profile within FreeCAD
You always start from an existing design. Then you just have to modify it. You can start from the original design nested in Beltrami or load an example that comes close to your goal.
A user manual can be found online
Note: All the documentation has been generated in French. However, your web browser translator works very well. MS Edge seems to have the best friendly translator.
Here is the video that presents the Beltrami workbench:
- FreeCAD v0.21.2 and higher
- FreeCAD Curves workbench version 0.6.42 or higher. Available via the Addon Manager.
Beltrami workbench is available for install via the FreeCAD Addon Manager.
For more details about the installation process reference the manual.
Background on the theory behind Beltrami can be found in this section of the manual.
See the Examples section of this repository to find the provided examples of Beltrami in action.
- Email contact: [email protected]
- Dedicated FreeCAD forum thread
- Bugs: (please discuss on the forum thread beforehand)
- Dedicated YouTube channel/playlist YouTube SimTurb/Beltrami
Beltrami workbench is released under the LGPL2.1+ licence. See LICENSE file.
This Beltrami workbench is in ALPHA state along with the Curves WB on which it is based. With new release, reading of previous release generated file can present some bugs. To correct de situation, cold start a new file, import manually the coordinates in the Meridien sketch and do the same for variables in the Tableau_Pilote spreadsheet.
Release notes
### Release 1.1 :
Release 0.6.40 of CurvesWB allows to some bugs to popup: corrected.
For issue "Add support for translation of the strings", for the moment I removed the French translation. All is in English now. Code for translation are already incorporated. Waiting for translation files.
### Release :
-Internal code for B-spline modified, Radius replaced by Weight, initial Weight is now 1 adimensional.
-Variables in Tableau_pilote displaced and modified accordingly, variables Poids_entree and Poids_sortie.
### Release 1.0.8 :
- Implements surfaces with better tangent continuity at leading edge.
- Modifies slightly user interface (some names are changed)
- Solves minor bugs
- Optimises the structure of the code
- Previous files are not compatible. From Interface_Usager, you simply have to transfer data from the sketch Meridien (12 2D points) and the spreadsheet Tableau_Pilote (copy-paste). And, of course transfer data from the FeaturePython Parametres.
- Be sure to update Curves WB