- GET users/:steamId
- POST users/
steamId: String, isAlive: Boolean, firstName: String, lastName: String, groupId: String, money: Array, jobs: Array, skin: Object
- GET inventories/:id
- GET inventories/:id&action=&type=&id=&quantity=
List of query avaiable
- action : type of action (add or remove)
- type : type of what i want add in my inventory (resource or craft)
- id : id of the resource or craft
- quantity : number of the quantity i want
- POST inventories/:id/collect/:itemId
- GET mapitems/
- POST mapitems/
resourceId: String, qty: Number, name: String, icon: String, description: String, hash: String, position: Object*
- DELETE mapitems/:id
- GET resources/
- GET resources/:id
- DELETE resources/:id
- POST resources/
name: String, icon: String, description: String
- GET crafts/
- GET whitelist/:id
- DELETE whitelist/:id
- POST whitelist
steamId: String discordId: String