This is the repository for an end term assignment for the 'Scientific Programming' course at the Justus-Liebig-University, Giessen.
In the following documentation we shall assume:
import libsparse as sp
In the scope of the project at hand, we needed to implement a storage scheme for sparse matrices including all the necessary mathematical operations, such as the dot-product.
object | implements: |
<class 'sparse'> |
CSR storage scheme, set/getitem, dot product, transposition, fullsize array representation, LU decomposition, matrix plot |
<class 'linsys'> |
linear system of equations A b = x , Gaussian Elimination for dense , Conjugate Gradient solver |
<method 'random_banded'> |
generate a random symmetric banded matrix |
Although we can now efficiently store large sparse matrices, we have to keep in mind that our methods might scale with the array dimensions, either linearly or even quadratically. This can lead to extremley slow execution of the code.
Let's take a look at how we can accalerate the construction of our CSR arrays. The following benchmark was generated using the line_profiler tool. This tool allows us to monitor the execution time and hitcounts of every single line, therefore we can spot slow functions.
Looking at the output we can see that for an array of N x N dimensions with N = 10000,
the first implementation construct_CSR
took 148 seconds to return our CSR format. This was unacceptable.
Output of timing measurements
~/$ kerprof -l
~/$ python -m line_profiler
Timer unit: 1e-06 s
Total time: 148.352 s
Function: construct_CSR at line 168
Line # Hits Time Per Hit % Time Line Contents
169 def construct_CSR(self, array):
181 1 3.0 3.0 0.0 csr = {'AVAL': [], 'JCOL': [], 'IROW': [0]}
182 10001 18618.0 1.9 0.0 for j, col in enumerate(array):
183 100010000 65355397.0 0.7 44.1 for i, el in enumerate(col):
184 100000000 82901563.0 0.8 55.9 if el != 0:
185 29998 26134.0 0.9 0.0 csr['AVAL'].append(el)
186 29998 16687.0 0.6 0.0 csr['JCOL'].append(i)
187 29998 13125.0 0.4 0.0 continue
188 10000 20265.0 2.0 0.0 csr['IROW'].append(len(csr['AVAL']))
190 1 1.0 1.0 0.0 return csr
Total time: 1.50618 s
Function: construct_CSR_fast at line 192
Line # Hits Time Per Hit % Time Line Contents
192 def construct_CSR_fast(self, array):
209 array: np.ndarray
210 jcol = np.array([])
211 1 13.0 13.0 0.0 aval = np.array([])
212 1 2.0 2.0 0.0 irow = np.array([0])
213 1 4.0 4.0 0.0 for row in array:
214 10001 12535.0 1.3 0.8 row: np.ndarray
215 indices = np.nonzero(row)[0]
216 10000 770523.0 77.1 51.2 jcol = np.append(jcol, indices)
217 10000 231029.0 23.1 15.3 aval = np.append(aval, np.take(row, indices))
218 10000 287930.0 28.8 19.1 irow = np.append(irow, len(aval))
219 10000 201464.0 20.1 13.4 csr = {'AVAL': list(aval), 'JCOL': list(jcol), 'IROW': list(irow)}
220 1 2684.0 2684.0 0.2 return csr
If we now take a look at the new construct_CSR_fast
method we can see that we achieved a massive speed-up.
The largest time gain was achieved by reducing the complexity from quadratic O(n²) to linear O(n) time and using numpy methods which are implemented using C and therefore are a lot faster.
This benchmarking was done for numerous implemented functions and used to refactor methods for better runtime. These functions will not be listed here explicitly.