A Python tool to help you to find ressources on the Grid5000 platform. Requires execo 2.4
Developped by the Inria Hemera initiative 2010-2014
usage: funk [-h] [--version] [-m MODE] [-y] [-q | -v] [-p PROG] [--plots]
[--json] [-r RESOURCES] [-b BLACKLIST] [-R RATIO]
[-o SUBMISSION_OPTS] [-k] [-n SUBNET] [-j JOB_NAME] [--virtual]
[--infiniband] [--green] [--no-oargrid | --force-oargrid]
This tool helps you to find resources on Grid'5000 platform. It has three modes:
- date = give you the number of nodes available at a given date,
- free = find the next free slot for a combination of resources,
- max = find the time slot where the maximum number of nodes are available.
If no arguments is given, compile the planning of the whole platform and generate an
oargridsub command line with all available resources for 1 hour.
Based on execo 2.4, http://execo.gforge.inria.fr/doc/oar 2.5, http://oar.imag.fr.
General options:
Define mode and controls I/O.
-h, --help show this help message and exit
--version show program's version number and exit
-m MODE, --mode MODE Setup the mode: date, free or max
default = date
-y, --yes Perform the reservation automatically
-q, --quiet Run without printing anything
-v, --verbose Run in verbose mode
-p PROG, --prog PROG The program to be run when the reservation start
--plots Draw a Gantt plot and the slots
--json Produce a json file that contains all the informations
Customize your Grid'5000 reservation.
Comma separated list of Grid'5000 elements (grid5000, site or cluster)
-r element1,element2 for date and max modes
-r element1:n_nodes1,element2:n_nodes2 for free mode
default = grid5000
Remove clusters from planning computation
-R RATIO, --ratio RATIO
Apply a given ratio to the host resources
Extra options to pass to the oarsub/oargridsub command line
-k, --kavlan Ask for a KaVLAN
-n SUBNET, --subnet SUBNET
Ask for subnets. slash_22=1 will retrieve a /22 subnet on every site of your requests,
but you can specify site1:slash_22=2,site2:slash_19=1
-j JOB_NAME, --job_name JOB_NAME
The job name passed to the OAR subjobs
default = FUNK
--virtual Use only clusters with hardware virtualization
--infiniband Use only clusters with infiniband or myrinet interfaces
--green Use only clusters that have energetical power measurements
--no-oargrid Don't use oargridsub and perform parallel oar reservations
--force-oargrid Force the usage of oargrisub, even if only one site is involved
Define options related to date and time.
-w WALLTIME, --walltime WALLTIME
Reservation walltime in OAR format
default = 1:00:00
Starting date in OAR format
default = 1417596795
-e ENDDATE, --enddate ENDDATE
End date in OAR format
default = 1419411195
-c, --charter Avoid charter periods
Number of available nodes on stremi cluster from date to date + walltime
funk -m date -s "2014-12-03 09:53:15" -r stremi
First free slots for a resource combination with deploy job type and a KaVLAN
funk -m free -w 2:00:00 -r grid5000:100,taurus:4 -o "-t deploy" -k
Maximum number of nodes available for the resources, avoiding charter periods
funk -m max -w 10:00:00 -r nancy,paradent,edel -c
Issues/features requests can be reported to https://github.com/lpouillo/Funk