H-Notif is a Notification System created by Harokis#0677, and released for free to the community :)
Currently, the UI is written with HTML, TailwindCSS, AlpineJS, LUA.
exports['h-notif']:send('fas fa-university', 'success', 'Bank Opened', 'top-center', 6000)
exports['h-notif']:send('fontawesome icon name', 'type', 'text', 'position', duration is ms)
The UI has multiple types like
the UI has multiple positions like
top-center, top-left, top-right
mid-left, mid-right,
You can use the UI for free on your server, you're not allowed to take my work and sell it in any way of form, this is a free resource created for people that don't know how to make a simple UI and displays simple ways of creating UI's using TailwindCSS and AlpineJS.