General information for operating charms built with layer:lets-encrypt.
Let's Encrypt registration will only work in deployments that meet the following criteria:
- Placement onto a machine with a public IPv4 address. IPv6 might work (Let's
Encrypt supports it), but this is unconfirmed.
- Container placement will not work. Containers aren't typically publicly route-able.
- Private networks will not work. For private TLS, I recommend using layer:tls-client with easyrsa.
- Registered DNS "A" record for the above public address.
- Must be a domain name allowed by Let's Encrypt. Some, such as * dynamic addresses, are not allowed.
- Must be exposed (
juju expose
) so that Let's Encrypt can reach it for registration.
This layer adds a config option fqdn
to config.yaml
. When set, this layer
will attempt to register the hostname with Let's Encrypt. Only set fqdn
- After the DNS "A" record has been established for the unit's public IP address.
- The registered domain name has had time to propagate.
- The application has been
juju expose
A contact-email
config option may also be set, for receiving email from Let's
Encrypt regarding certification of the domain name.
Include layer:lets-encrypt
in your web application charms to automatically
obtain TLS certificates from Let's Encrypt.
Once the application is registered with Let's Encrypt, the reactive state
will be set. Then, in your charm, you may obtain the
path to the certificates and keys with
Configure layer:lets-encrypt to restart nginx during registration:
service-name: nginx
Use the obtained certificates in your charm layer. For example:
from charmhelpers.core import hookenv
from charms.layer import lets_encrypt
@when('nginx.available', 'lets-encrypt.registered')
def configure_webserver():
status_set('maintenance', 'Configuring website')
fqdn = config().get('fqdn')
live =
configure_site('myapp', 'myapp.nginx.tmpl',
crt_path=live['fullchain'], fqdn=fqdn)
status_set('active', 'Website available: https://%s' % fqdn)
You'll want to use the fqdn
for server_name
in your nginx site config.
Let's Encrypt registration may be disabled by setting the
state. If you know your charm isn't ready to register,
or doesn't need it -- maybe it's being TLS terminated by a front end -- please
set this to avoid wasting Let's Encrypt resources.
The configured service-name
will be temporarily stopped while Let's Encrypt
registers with the "standalone" method.
This layer is only supported on xenial. If deployed on earlier series, this layer does nothing.
This layer requires agreement to the ISRG Let's Encrypt terms of service in order to deploy, because registration is done non-interactively in the charm.
Some things could be improved:
- Support for automatic renewals, or even manual renewals with an action.
- Better rate-limiting of the registration retries.
- Not attempting to register if not exposed (can this be detected?).
- Not attempting to register if FQDN isn't ready, or is incorrect.
- Non-interrupting methods like webroot.
See LICENSE.layer-lets-encrypt for details.