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Token Enchanter

SilentChaos512 edited this page Dec 24, 2019 · 2 revisions

Quick facts

  • Found in: version 3.0.5 (Minecraft 1.13.2) and higher
  • Recipe type: silentgems:token_enchanting
  • Recipe data path: data/*/silentgems/token_recipes (Some older versions only)
  • Generates chaos when working (rate depends on recipe)
  • Not limited to enchantment tokens!


The token enchanter is a block that can combine several items into a new item. Specifically, Silent's Gems uses this to create enchantment tokens. However, the token enchanter can create almost anything. Recipes can be added via data packs.

The output can be anything (not just enchantment tokens) and can be enchanted. The result does not copy any data from the inputs, so it's not suitable for enchanting many items, such as tools or armor (but that's what enchantment tokens are for).

The token enchanter requires no energy or fuel, but generates chaos while working. The amount depends on the recipe. No chaos is created while not in use.

Adding or Replacing Recipes

Recipes are added with JSON files similar to crafting recipes. These are placed in the recipes folder. The recipe type is silentgems:token_enchanting. They are similar to shapeless recipes, except you can give a list of enchantments to put on the result, plus a couple other minor differences.

If you are not familiar with data packs, you can read about them here.

JSON Format

Notable Parts

  • chaosGenerated - The amount of chaos generated per tick
  • processTime - The time (in ticks) required to produce one output
  • ingredients.token - You can change this to any item or tag
  • ingredients.others - Similar to the ingredients of a shapeless recipe (item or tag), except you can specify a count. This is the number of that item which will be consumed to produce one output.
  • result.item - The output of the recipe (can be any item)
  • result.enchantments - A list of enchantments to add to the result. For enchantment tokens this is the enchantment(s) which will be applied to the item they are crafted with. Yes, you can have multiple enchantments and set them to any level!


  "type": "silentgems:token_enchanting",
  "chaosGenerated": 200,
  "processTime": 100,
  "ingredients": {
    "token": {
      "item": "silentgems:blank_token"
    "others": [
        "tag": "forge:gems/garnet",
        "count": 2
        "item": "minecraft:blaze_powder",
        "count": 4
  "result": {
    "item": "silentgems:enchantment_token",
    "enchantments": [
        "name": "minecraft:fire_aspect",
        "level": 1
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