LeetCode Bot is a Discord bot that encourages users to practice LeetCode! Register your LeetCode account and solve daily LeetCode problems to earn points! You can also earn points from solving Blind 75 and NeetCode 150 problems.
-register <LeetCode name>
- registers your LeetCode account with your Discord account. You can also reregister with a new account by running this command again.
- Submits the last submissions you have done, giving points based on if the problem is the LOTD or a previously unsolved Blind 75 or NeetCode 150 problem.
-stats <player>
- Shows how many points the player has earned, the amount of LeetCode of the Day's solved, and whether you have solved today's Leetcode of the Day.
-top <page>
- Leaderboard for everyone in the server sorted by score.
-gtop <page>
- Leaderboard for everyone in the world sorted by score.
- Shows today’s LeetCode problem and its difficulty.
- Shows progress for the Blind 75 problems.
-blind75 <problem number>
- Shows problems of that problem type and whether or not you have done them. Also shows difficulty and video tutorial for each problem.
- Shows progress for NeetCode 150 problems
-neetcode150 <problem number>
- Shows problems of that problem type and whether or not you have done them. Also shows difficulty and video tutorial for each problem.
- Sets the notification for LeetCode of the Day to be in the channel this command is run in.
-setPing <roleID>
- Sets the role that is pinged for LeetCode of the Day. Can be set to “none”.
- See who made this bot, its GitHub Link, and a link to invite this bot to your server!
To invite this bot to your server, use this link: https://discord.com/api/oauth2/authorize?client_id=932270316867186729&permissions=314368&scope=bot