- #282 Ignore ssl file permissions if on win32 (@zubenubi)
- #283 fix: update plugin ui dependencies (@tkurki)
- #284 feature: allow plugin+webapp combinations (@tkurki)
- #285 feature:dynamic plugin schema (@sbender9)
- #286 fix: fix data logging (@tkurki)
- #287 fix: upgrade pem to be Alpine compatible (@tkurki)
- #291 feature: add StreamBundle.getSelfBus() (@tkurki)
- #292 fix: issue #290 ensure that security is applied for all ws connections (@sbender9)
- #293 Update @signalk/signalk-schema to the latest version 🚀 (@Greenkeeper[bot])
- #295 Update @signalk/signalk-schema to the latest version 🚀 (@Greenkeeper[bot])
- #294 feature: make meta and units retrieval work on full paths (@tkurki)
- #297 Update mocha to the latest version 🚀 (@Greenkeeper[bot])