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Database design (Data modelling)

Siddhartha Anand edited this page Nov 1, 2018 · 1 revision

Sample Data structure ?

{ “authorName” : “Sid”, “Location” : “Bangalore”, “Papers” : [“A1”, “A2”, “B1”] }

Why noSQL databases are you using ?

The kind of data being exposed to the developers do not require a schema. It will contain semi-structured data which I think will be having searchable capabilities. And for now, I want to use a nosql data base!

How frequently will the data be updated ?

It might be updated every time we scrape or the crawler runs every time. It might not be as frequent as you think.

Insert/Update/Query ? Percentage of total queries being run on the system per hour or per month

For now it is not possible to gauge the percentage. But, assuming that it will only be available for reading purposes for now, assuming 70-80% of reads will be occurring for that. So, will need to structure the data such that it is easy for the read operations.

Denormalization v/s Normalization

How will the applications will use your data ?

If the applications will only or mostly read your data, then using indexes is a good option over the documents.

How to speed up read operations for your API ?? And database ??