apt install -y nginx libnginx-mod-rtmp
- Use "nginx.conf" on the server machine
- Read the config and rewrite what is needed
- Use "cdn-nginx.conf" on CDN machines
- Read the config and rewrite what is needed
- Broadcast via rtmp:
ffmpeg -hide_banner -fflags +genpts -stream_loop -1 -re -i <video> -c:v h264 -c:a aac -f flv rtmp://<IP>:<RTMP port>/show/<KEY>
- Watch it with MPV:
mpv http://<IP>:<nginx port>/1/index.m3u8
or use the browser with the right addon. You need a browser supports MPEG-Dash + HLS playback. Firefox: https://addons.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/addon/native-mpeg-dash-hls-playback/
wget http://localhost:63800/1/index.m3u8
Should give something like this:
# cat index.m3u8
- viewer_counter.sh is a slow cost solution to count viewers on the CDN machine
- start like this for channel 1
watch -n 1 "./viewer_counter.sh 1 > /usr/share/nginx/html/1/viewer_counter/1_count.html"
- deployment script
- better viewer counter, maybe use log-management stuffs