All performed and completed tasks are summarized in the TO DO.
This code repository represents a small project within the SuperNEMO experiment. The goal is calcualtion of sensitivity estimates for various modes of
The data is available at /sps/nemo/scratch/mpetro/Projects/SNSensitivityEstimate/data
and should be copied to the data/
The methodology of calculating sensitivities is described in docdb:4816
with a short presentation given in docdb:5568
and more recently docdb:5833
. The plots/
folder in this repository contains all the relevant figures for finding ROI and shows the individual spectra.
Main example of how to use this repository to calculate sensitivity to 0nu is provided in scripts/0nu/Example_bb0nu_Sensitivity.jl
There are example notebooks in the notebooks/
The input data must be provided in form of a root
file, which contains (at least) the following information per event:
float reconstructedEnergy1
float reconstructedEnergy2
float phi
Each filename must match the naming convention: isotope_vertex_generator.root
, (i.e. Bi214_foil_bulk.root
) for the process to be compatible with the LoadData::load_processes(dir::String, mode::String)
( Optionally you can initiaite your own processes and work with them manually, see documentation in src/Process.jl
or ? Process
. )
A very important file is the: scripts/Params.jl
. This contains the dictionaries for all the processes/acitvitites/info about the detector/etc. Look through the file and make sure you follow the conventions there.
Most recent simulation performed is in /sps/nemo/scratch/mpetro/Projects/Phd/SNSensitivityEstimate/data/sims/fal5_12perc_Boff_TIT
- 2nubb - foil_bulk
- 0nubb - foil_bulk
- Bi214 - foil_bulk
- Tl208 - foil_bulk
- Pa234m - foil_bulk
- K40 - foil_bulk
- Bi214 - wire_surface (radon)
useEventHasTwoTracks : boolean = true
useEventHasTwoFoilVertices : boolean = true
useEventHasTwoCaloHits : boolean = true
useEventHasTwoDistinctAssociatedCaloHits : boolean = true
useEventHasSumEnergyAbove : boolean = true
minSumEnergy : real = 300.0
useEventHasSumEnergyBelow : boolean = true
maxSumEnergy : real = 3500.0
useEventHasFoilVertexDistanceBelow : boolean = true
maxFoilVertexDistance : real = 50.0 # mm
useEventHasPintAbove : boolean = true # internal probability ToF cut
minPint : real = 0.04
useEventHasPextBelow : boolean = true # external probability ToF cut
maxPext : real = 0.01
- Use
source foil geometry - Use magnetic field off
- Use TKReconstrcut to reconstruct the trajectories (with polylines)
- Use 12% FWHM across main OMs (Or do we have some better solution ready?)
- Use basic SimRC setup
The main bulk of the analysis is done in the file scripts/main.jl
. There is a julia module
provided within this repository in the src
folder. There are a number of small scripts in the scripts
folder which mainly deal with plotting and miscelnaceous.
Download Juliaup
curl -fsSL | sh
install version 1.10.0
juliaup add 1.10.0
- Download this code base. Notice that raw data not included in the git repository.
- Open a Julia console and do:
julia> using Pkg julia> Pkg.add("DrWatson") # install globally, for using `quickactivate` julia> Pkg.activate("path/to/this/project") julia> Pkg.instantiate()
This will install all necessary packages for you to be able to run the scripts and everything should work out of the box, including correctly finding local paths.
You may notice that most scripts start with the commands:
using DrWatson
@quickactivate "SNSensitivityEstimate"
which auto-activate the project and enable local path handling from DrWatson.