MERN based AI image generator app just like Midjourney and Dall-E. This project is built using mern stack where I have created a web app which can create ai generated images by giving a prompt as an input to it and after creating it you can share it as a post on community also you can manage your created posts.
Clone repository in your ide make sure you have your own cloudinary,openAi api keys and also nodejs,mongodb atlas uri
Now create a .env backend file with these variables
- URI=
After this go to backend directory and type npm install in your terminal nodemon server.js to start server
Now go to frontend directory and type npm install in your terminal npm run dev to start react project
go to localhost:8080 to view the whole web application
#Challenge your imagination, give a prompt and click Generate.
- React.js
- Node.js
- MongoDB
- Express.js
- Tailwind CSS
Made with ❤️