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Rain156 committed Jun 7, 2024
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## 建造者上下文菜单
## 建造者模式上下文菜单


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# Bulldozer
# 快速破坏

The **Bulldozer** capability allows you to break blocks very quickly after an initial warmup period by simply holding down the left mouse button. The warmup period is intended to prevent accidental mass destruction.

<video width="960" height="520" controls autoplay loop>
<source src="/images/Bulldozer.mp4" type="video/mp4">
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# Force Place
# 强制放置

The **Force Place** capability bypasses normal placement restrictions.

- Blocks which normally need to be attached to solid blocks can be placed in mid air
- Blocks can be placed inside entities (including yourself)
- Plant blocks no longer need to be placed on farmland
- Blocks can be placed regardless of light level
- And much more!

> Force Place is best used in combination with [No Updates]( in order to ensure illegally placed blocks don't break when updated. You may also need to disable random updates with /gamerule randomTickSpeed 0
- 通常需要放置在固体方块上的方块可放置在空中,或是随意放置到其他位置。
- 当有实体进行遮挡时,您也可以正常放置方块。(玩家遮挡也可以放置)
- 农作物可以不再放置于耕地,而是随意放置到其他位置。
- 无论光照水平如何,都可以进行方块的放置。
- 以及更多!

> **强制放置**功能最好与[冻结更新](功能一起使用。以确保强制放置的方块不会被方块更新所影响。在有时,您可以还需要使用`/gamerule randomTickSpeed 0`指令来禁用随机更新。
<video width="960" height="520" controls autoplay loop>
<source src="/images/ForcePlace.mp4" type="video/mp4">
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# 功能

This chapter covers Capabilities, toggleable features which can enhance your building workflow.

The Capabilities that are currently available are:

- [Bulldozer]( (break blocks fast)
- [Replace Mode]( (replace blocks in the world)
- [Force Place]( (bypass block placement restrictions)
- [No Updates]( (prevent block updates when placing/breaking)
- [Tinker]( (various useful interactions when right-clicking with an empty hand)
- Infinite Reach (removes the reach limit)
- Fast Place (place blocks fast)
- Angel Placement (place blocks mid-air)
- No Clip (move through blocks while flying)
- [快速破坏]( (开启此功能后 按住左键可快速破坏方块)
- [替换模式]( (开启此功能后 右击方块时将其替换为手中方块)
- [强制放置]( (开启此功能后 可绕过方块放置限制)
- [冻结更新]( (开启此功能后 可在放置/破坏方块时防止触发方块更新)
- [调整工具]( (开启此功能后 空手右键单击方块时,可更改此方块的方块状态 )
- 无限触距 (开启此功能后 将移除原版触距限制)
- 快速放置 (开启此功能后 将在可控的方式下进行方块的快速放置)
- 凭空放置 (开启此功能后 可在空中放置方块)
- 穿块模式 (开启此功能后 可在飞行时随意穿过方块(类似旁观者模式))

Capabilities can be toggled using the left side of the [Context Menu](builder/

Additionally, keybinds can be associated with capabilities to quickly toggle them. By default, only the [Replace Mode](capabilities/ has a keybind (R), but more can be added in the vanilla controls menu (Esc > Options > Controls)
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# No Updates
# 冻结更新

The **No Updates** capability ‘freezes’ blocks and adjacent blocks in their current state and prevents shape and neighbour updates when breaking or placing blocks nearby.

This is useful when working with "non-vanilla" states of stairs/fences/walls/etc. which would normally revert to their vanilla state when breaking/placing blocks near them.

<video width="960" height="520" controls autoplay loop>
<source src="/images/NoUpdates.mp4" type="video/mp4">
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# Replace Mode
# 替换模式

The **Replace Mode** capability allows you to right-click to replace the targeted block with the held block. This allows you to easily replace a large amount of blocks by holding the right-mouse button.

Additionally, when you replace a block, the newly placed block will inherit the properties of the old block.

A basic demonstration of Replace Mode can be found below


<video width="960" height="520" controls autoplay loop>
<source src="/images/ReplaceModeBasic.mp4" type="video/mp4">

## Type Replace
## 类型替换


Type Replace can be toggled on through the Options Toolbox in the Alt Menu. Turning this on allows you to hold a base material block (eg. Spruce Planks) to replace stairs/slabs/walls/fences/etc. with their spruce variant

A demonstration of Type Replace can be found below

<video width="960" height="520" controls autoplay loop>
<source src="/images/TypeReplace.mp4" type="video/mp4">
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# Tinker
# 调整工具

The **Tinker** capability has various features related to right-clicking with your fist on blocks. Tinker often can be used in place of the debug stick, being slighty faster compared to the debug stick's clunky interface but sometimes lacking the ability to change some non-visual properties.

Aiming at specific parts of a block can change the effect of the tinker. This lets you quickly change full blocks into stairs, stairs into slabs and vice versa. It also lets you easily adjust walls/fences to create states that Minecraft normally doesn’t allow.

Tinker interactions can be negated while the capability is toggled on by either having a non-empty hand or by holding down the sneak or ‘shift’ button.

| Block | Tinker Effect |
| ------------------------------------ | ---------------------------------------------------------- |
| Blocks with full/stair/slab variants | Convert between full/stair/slab by adding/removing corners |
| Walls | Cycle WallSide (none/low/tall) of targeted side |
| Fences/Iron bars | Toggle north/east/south/west sides |
| Piston | [Side] Change facing, [Front] Extends/retracts the piston |
| Furnace | [Side] Change facing, [Front] Toggles lit state |
| Carved Pumpkin/Jack O Lantern | [Side] Change facing, [Front] Swaps between the 2 blocks |
| Barrel | [Side] Change facing, [Front] Opens/closes |
| Iron Trapdoor/Door | Open/closes the block |
| Brewing Stand | Add/remove bottles |
| Glazed Terracotta | Change facing |
| Farmland | Cycle moisture |
| Scaffolding | Toggle bottom |
| Small/Medium/Large/Cluster Amethyst | Cycles between the 4 blocks |
| Lectern | Toggles book |
| Candle/Campfire/Redstone Torch | Toggles lit |
| Cave Vines | Toggles berries |
| Bamboo Stalk | Toggles bamboo leaves |
| Cauldron | Cycles fluid level |
| Composter | Cycles compost level |
| Powered Rail | Toggles powered |
| Beehive | Cycles honey level |
| Any block with 'Age' property | Cycles age |
| Cake | Cycles bites |
| 具有楼梯/台阶变体的完整方块 | 通过右键单击完整方块可在楼梯/台阶之间进行转换 |
| | 循环改变目标侧的WallSide(None/Low/Tall)状态 |
| 栅栏/铁栏杆 | 切换目标``north/east/south/west (东/西/南/北)``的方块状态 |
| 活塞 | [点击侧面] 改变方块朝向,[点击正面] 伸出/收回活塞臂 |
| 熔炉/高炉/烟熏炉 | [点击侧面] 改变方块朝向, [点击正面] 更改其点亮(燃烧)状态 |
| 雕刻南瓜/南瓜灯 | [点击侧面] 改变方块朝向, [点击正面] 在两个方块之间进行切换 (南瓜灯 -> 雕刻南瓜 反之亦然) |
| 木桶 | [点击侧面] 改变方块朝向, [点击正面] 切换 木桶的``开/关``状态 |
| 铁活板门/门 | 切换方块的`开/关`状态 |
| 酿造台 | 添加/移除酿造台上的瓶子 |
| 带釉陶瓦 | 改变方块朝向 |
| 耕地 | 循环更改耕地方块的湿度(推荐使用F3进行方块状态查看) |
| 脚手架 | 切换方块底部状态 |
| 所有紫水晶簇 | 在这四个紫水晶簇的阶段进行循环 |
| 讲台 | 切换是否有书 |
| 蜡烛/营火/红石火把 | 更改方块是否为点亮(燃烧)状态 |
| 洞穴藤蔓(发光浆果) | 切换藤蔓是否有浆果 |
| 竹子 | 切换竹子上的叶子 |
| 炼药锅 | 循环改变锅中的水位 |
| 堆肥桶 | 循环改变桶里的堆肥 |
| 动力铁轨 | 切换其状态是否被激活 |
| 蜂箱 | 循环切换蜂箱中是否有蜂蜜 |
| [所有带有“Age”状态的方块]( | 更改方块的“Age”状态。 |
| 蛋糕 | 循环更改蛋糕被吃的次数 |


- Right-clicking with Moss Block on cobblestone/stone converts the block into its mossy variant
- Right-clicking with Shears on removes mossy
- Right-clicking on a pot with a plant replaces the plant inside the pot
- 当您使用苔藓块右键单击圆石/石头时,可将其转换为苔藓变体
- 使用剪刀进行右键点击,可以去除苔藓
- 有剪刀右键点击带有植物的花盆,可替换花盆内的植物

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