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#2 △Shïelkwamm△

Adam edited this page Apr 14, 2020 · 1 revision

4/4/2020 Reading Time: △

At △Shïelkwamm△, there is a lot of information out there in unlike a regular game, you can't turn over every nook and cranny of the map and find △s there. So I emphasize: in △Shielkwamm△, to pick the sets of knowledge that make you ☴, the object is not to get to map 100%, so a discrete linear process of learning like that is a bit different basically like tuning out bad, not applicable, or information just made for press, and we need this badly in today's news climate because knowing everything takes you farther from being able to say ==== Shielkwamm ====.

I use things like grammar and glyphs especially on this page notice on the holy words that it has some kind of △salawat△ type indication depending on the glyph and other glyphs are more honorary.

#2 zZz ❤á

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