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This repo contains some practical exercises and solutions to get some knowledge and practice on shell commands performed at 42 School as part of the C piscine.


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This repo contains some practical exercises and solutions to get some knowledge and practice on shell commands performed at 42 School as part of the C piscine.

Subjects are provided on pdf files and folders are organised as requested.

Each folder contains a README file where explanations and subject are provided.

Both projects were evaluated by molinette with 100/100

Enjoy the practice!

Very important:

Pay attention to the delivery directory and type of file requested, it is not allowed to send other files or wrong directory. In that case, it will be evaluated with 0.

First steps for both projects:

  1. Copy the link from the git repository of the project

  2. On terminal, clone the repository with the command git clone:

git clone link name

link: remember to change this for the link of the git repository
name: replace this for shell00 or shell01 respectively

  1. On terminal: use the commands cd (change directory) to move towards the directory and mkdir (make directory) to create the delivery directory.

mkdir shell00
cd shell00
mkdir ex00
cd ex00

Once inside, create the requested file with vim or nano editor. It's up to you to choose the one you like more.

Git instructions:

git clone git_link folder_name
(Remember to change the git link for the link provided by the intranet and the folder_name for the name of the folder you want to create)
git status (check status)
git add . (if you don´t wish to add all files, you can select the files to add instead of using .)
git commit -m "comment" (-m allows you to add a comment)
git push (allows you to upload files added to the git repository)
git log (allows you to check that has been pushed correctly)

VIM steps on terminal:

vim filename

filename: replace this for the name of the file requested
esc:w : write (save)
esc:wq : write (save) and quit (close vim)
esc:q : quit
esc:q! : force quit without saving changes
i : insert mode (to be able to write or edit on the file)

NANO steps on terminal:

nano filename
(write anything you need)
control 0
Control x


Use this command to list all folders and files to check the spelling of file names before evaluation: ls */*

In case of cheching subdirctories too: ls */**

Copy files with: cp
Example: cp file copy_file

move or rename files with: mv

Moving files:
example: mv file /Users/name/desktop
example: mv file folder/

Renaming files:
mv file file2


This repo contains some practical exercises and solutions to get some knowledge and practice on shell commands performed at 42 School as part of the C piscine.







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