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Sheep-y edited this page Jan 25, 2021 · 29 revisions

Modnix is a mod loader for Phoenix Point (Snapshot Games 2019), Windows Epic Game Store version.

Table of Contents

Mod Users

Get Installer from the Download section. Find mods on NexusMods.


Mod Authors

Developers should check out Debug Console. It can direct game log and modnix log to the in-game console, scan mods for console commands, add a command to call Modnix API from console.


Modding is not officially supported by Snapshot Games.

All modding tools and mods are fan-made programs that literally modify your game. They can do funny things to your computer, which you may find not so funny. Hackers are known to disguise their malwares as mods.

Of course, most mods are made by passionate fans, and are generally incapable of harming your computer. While even well-intended and well-made tools and mods can brick your game or saves, the same can also be said of official updates, right? Right.

You and only you can decide whether to take the risk.


Modnix is open source, and is built upon other open source projects and free resources, under various licenses.

This generally means you are free to do whatever you want with it, as long as you keep the licenses intact.

For details, see the repo's License. Since Modnix 2, the full licenses can also be viewed in the app.

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