Shaughn Anderson
Design Intent With this project I wanted to make a website that displayed what I had learned so far and organized it in a ledgible way.I also wanted a way to display projects I would work on in the future and to have a space for those.
The Requirements for this project were as follows
- Have a section or card for each project
- Each card should have a title, an image of your project, and a description
- Use flexbox to arrange the cards on the page
- Resize cards based on screen width
- Adapt the layout of the gallery when the browser window resizes
- Display the cards in a single column on mobile devices
- Have a clickable button on each card that opens and closes the description text
Learning Flexbox really pushed me in terms of what can be done with css. It added a lot of complexity to what I had learned in the preivious assignment. Although I dont know if front end development is a thing I am interested in I can see that there are a lot of complexities within it that I would not have anticipated. Getting something to display functionally on all size screens and windows is a lot more complex than I would have thought going in. I have come out of this project with a decent idea how to handle it though.
The hide and display text buttons were a good way to expand on my Java knowledge I was able to build them from what I learned in the MDN intro to java script page although from things I have learned on future projects there were deffinetly better ways I could have coded them than how I handled it in my first pass.