design intent I wanted to make a simple game. Ideally something that I could figure out the code for myself without outside sources of information. Tic Tac Toe seemed like a good idea. I set out to build a tic tac toe game that two people could play and wins would be recognized and acknowledged by the computer.
- Make Something you find interesting
This project was a really fun puzzle to think of all the logical steps in tic tac toe and arrange them into java script code. I started with just making spaces that when clicked became an X then made code to track turn changes and alternate between X and O. Technically this was all you needed but I wanted the game to have end states and be replayable so I next made a reset button that returned values to neutral and made code that recognized three in a row and declared a winner while making the reset button display. Finally I added the ability for a tie to be detected. I think this project helped show me how much I had learned about Java script. The code is a bit bloated but it's all mine which I think is a good starting point as a learner.