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SPIKE: Research Ability to Automatically Set Clear Status for Users in Slack

Adam Mac edited this page May 10, 2019 · 2 revisions

Overview of Proof-of-Concept

  1. Setting up an app for your Slack workspace
  2. Generate an OAuth token for the user and have them grant permission for the app to make changes to their profile
  3. Issue the following API call:

URL: POST Authorization: Bearer [User's OAuth Token] Payload:

    "profile": {
        "status_text": "Great Success",
        "status_emoji": ":face_palm:",
        "status_expiration": 0

Other Considerations

We'll need some place to facilitate the ability for the user to go to the OAuth process so we can obtain their token and their permission. Presumably, we'll also need a place in the database to store the resulting OAuth token and a way for them to re-authorize the application in the event that their token expires.

Original Ticket