Website of the original wine store "New Russian Wine".
- Download the code
- In the root of the folder, create a .env file, in which write
FILENAME='/path to file.xlsx'
- Launch the site with the command
- Go to the website at [](
## *Product table*
If you need to add new products, change the attached .xlsx file or create a new file according to the example:
| **Category** | **Name** | **Variety** | **Price**| **Picture** | **Promotion** |
| --------------- | ------------------- | --------------- | -------- | ------------------------ | -------------------- |
| Белые вина | Белая леди | Дамский пальчик | 399 | belaya_ledi.png | Best Offer |
| Напитки | Коньяк классический | | 350 | konyak_klassicheskyi.png | |
| Красные вина | Киндзмараули | Саперави | 550 | kindzmarauli.png | |
- When you add the line “Best offer”, a corresponding plate will appear on the product image.
- The categories Promotion and Variety are optional, the remaining categories are required.
## Project goals
The code is written for educational purposes - this is a lesson in the course on Python and web development on the site [Devman](