This is an internal repository for employees of "Siyaniye" bank. If you have stumbled upon this repository accidentally, you will not be able to run it as you do not have access to the database. However, you are free to use the layout code or see how the database queries are implemented.
The security console is a website that can be connected to a remote database with visits and employee pass cards.
Python3 should already be installed. Then use pip (or pip3, if there is a conflict with Python2) to install the dependencies:
pip install -r requirements.txt
Then create a .env file in the project folder and write your data without quotes in the format:
HOST = database url
PORT = port number
NAME = database name
USER = username
PASSWORD = database password
SECRET_KEY = password for SECRET_KEY
DEBUG = DEBUG status in True or False format
ALLOWED_HOSTS = list of hosts
The code was written for educational purposes in the Django ORM online course at