Source code for manuscript "Accounting for grouped predictor variables or pathways in high-dimensional penalized Cox regression models" Shaima Belhechmi, Riccardo De Bin, Federico Rotolo & Stefan Michiels.
To reproduce the results presented in the article, run the files in the following folder "./functions":
simdata.R: function implementing the data simulation method.
runsims.R: function generating the data sets according to the 8 scenarios presented in the article.
AL.R: function implementing the different weighting strategies proposed for the Adaptive Lasso method.
analysisAL.R: function applying the AL.R function on the simulated data sets.
SGL.R, gel.R, cMCP.R, ipflasso.R and ipflasso2.R: functions implementing the different methods SGL, gel, cMCP and IPFlasso with two penalty factors.
analysisSGL.R, analysisGEL.R, analysiscMCP.R, analysisIPFL.R and analysisIPFL2.R: functions applying the SGL.R, gel.R, cMCP.R, ipflasso.R and ipflasso2.R functions on the simulated data sets.
For questions, comments or remarks about the code please contact S. Michiels ([email protected]) or S. Belhechmi ([email protected]).