YouTube PyCON DE 2023 talk of this repo:
Calculator application using Hexagonal Architecture in Python.
Other patterns involved:
- Domain modelling
- Repository
- Unit of Work
- Services
- Use Cases
Use virtualenv as:
python3 -m venv .venv
source .venv/bin/activate
We use flit for the installation and package management:
Install flit:
pip install flit==3.7.1
The rest of the commands can be found using make help
To install the project type -> make install
To install the project for development type -> make install-dev
To test the project type -> make test
To test with coverage -> make test-cov
To format code type -> make format
To check linter type -> make lint
To run type checker -> make type-check
To run all security related commands -> make secure
To create database migrations -> make migrations
To run database migrations -> make migrate
For development purposes the main command is make install-dev
as it will enable editable installation.
The equivalent command is: flit install --env --deps=develop --symlink
Our application has FastAPI and Flask support for the same functionality, as we have decoupled the business logic, frameworks are responsible only for showing the results.
- Start Flask development server:
TEST_RUN=True flask --app run
- Start FastAPI development server:
TEST_RUN=True uvicorn --port 8000
For running all tests:
make test
TEST_RUN=True pytest -svv
For running only integration tests:
TEST_RUN=True pytest -svv -m integration
For running tests with coverage:
make test-cov
class CalculationRepositoryInterface {
+ add(self, calculation: model.Calculation) -> None
+ get(self, id_) -> model.Calculation
+ get_by_action(self, action: str) -> model.Calculation
+ get_by_uuid(self, uuid: str) -> model.Calculation
+ get_all(self) -> list[model.Calculation]
_add(self, calculation: model.Calculation)* -> None
_get(self, id_)* -> model.Calculation:
_get_by_action(self, action: str)* -> model.Calculation
_get_by_uuid(self, uuid: str)* -> model.Calculation
_get_all(self)* -> list[model.Calculation]
class CalculationSqlAlchemyRepository {
- _add(self, calculation: model.Calculation) -> None
- _get(self, id_) -> model.Calculation:
- _get_by_action(self, action: str) -> model.Calculation
- _get_by_uuid(self, uuid: str) -> model.Calculation
- _get_all(self) -> list[model.Calculation]
class CalculationUnitOfWorkInterface{
+ calculation: CalculationRepositoryInterface
class CalculationSqlAlchemyUnitOfWork{
+ calculation: CalculationRepositoryInterface
class CalculateUseCaseInterface{
+ add(self, left: Decimal, right: Decimal)
+ subtract(self, left: Decimal, right: Decimal)
+ multiply(self, left: Decimal, right: Decimal)
+ divide(self, left: Decimal, right: Decimal)
+ get_all(self)
+ get_by_uuid(self, uuid: str) -> dict[str, Any]
__init__(self, uow: CalculationUnitOfWorkInterface, service: OperandsServiceInterface)*
_add(self, left: Decimal, right: Decimal)*
_subtract(self, left: Decimal, right: Decimal)*
_multiply(self, left: Decimal, right: Decimal)*
_divide(self, left: Decimal, right: Decimal)*
_get_by_uuid(self, uuid: str)* -> dict[str, Any]
class CalculateUseCase{
__init__(self, uow: CalculationUnitOfWorkInterface, service: OperandsServiceInterface)
- _add(self, left: Decimal, right: Decimal)
- _subtract(self, left: Decimal, right: Decimal)
- _multiply(self, left: Decimal, right: Decimal)
- _divide(self, left: Decimal, right: Decimal)
- _get_all(self)
- _get_by_uuid(self, uuid: str) -> dict[str, Any]
class OperandsServiceInterface{
+ add(self, left: Decimal, right: Decimal) -> Decimal
+ subtract(self, left: Decimal, right: Decimal) -> Decimal
+ multiply(self, left: Decimal, right: Decimal) -> Decimal
+ divide(self, left: Decimal, right: Decimal) -> Decimal
_add(self, left: Decimal, right: Decimal)* -> Decimal
_subtract(self, left: Decimal, right: Decimal)* -> Decimal
_multiply(self, left: Decimal, right: Decimal)* -> Decimal
_divide(self, left: Decimal, right: Decimal)* -> Decimal
class OperandsService{
- _add(self, left: Decimal, right: Decimal) -> Decimal
- _subtract(self, left: Decimal, right: Decimal) -> Decimal
- _multiply(self, left: Decimal, right: Decimal) -> Decimal
- _divide(self, left: Decimal, right: Decimal) -> Decimal
CalculationSqlAlchemyRepository ..|> CalculationRepositoryInterface: implements
CalculationSqlAlchemyUnitOfWork ..|> CalculationUnitOfWorkInterface: implements
CalculateUseCase ..|> CalculateUseCaseInterface: implements
OperandsService ..|> OperandsServiceInterface: implements
CalculationSqlAlchemyUnitOfWork ..> CalculationRepositoryInterface: depends on
CalculateUseCase ..> CalculationUnitOfWorkInterface: depends on
CalculateUseCase ..> OperandsServiceInterface: depends on
TODO: Update this section when you have Aggregates and relations
class Calculation
class Operands
class ActionType
calculation {
int id PK "This is from the database autoincrement"
string uuid UK "ULID type from python"
decimal left "left right action -> this is a unique composite constraint"
decimal right "left right action -> this is a unique composite constraint"
string action "left right action -> this is a unique composite constraint"
result decimal
datetime created_at
datetime updated_at
- The graph below is from FastAPI router. As you see use case is used by router and the framework itself is only responsible for routing.
- The graph below is from Flask router. Practically it is the same as FastAPI graph, again Flask is only responsible for routing.
- The graph below is from Use Case.
Why to analyze the dependency graphs? The rule I strongly advice to follow is:
"If it is hard to understand the dependency flow from the dependency graph, simply you are closer to have small to big ball of mud"
If you have spotted something wrong here, just go back and try to simplify or fix the abstractions, dependencies, layers, etc.
- Use aggregates for atomic operations.
- Add more API endpoints for full calculator functionality.
- Increase test coverage.