STEM Research Review Paper Portal
A web app that serves as a public registry for systematic review papers in the STEM fields. Using this online portal, STEM researchers can upload details of their own ongoing review papers, search for and learn about existing review projects, and connect with potential collaborators in their field. This platform seeks to help researchers stay informed about current review efforts, allowing them to better cooperate with their peers and gain a clearer understanding of what has and hasn't been covered by others.
A comprehensive online portal for ongoing STEM systematic review papers that informs researchers and connects authors to potential contributors.
By creating an exhaustive database of ongoing systematic reviews, we hope to build the definitive platform for STEM researchers looking to learn more about the state of reviews in their field.
TODO: List what a user needs to have installed before running the installation instructions below (e.g., git, which versions of Ruby/Rails)
TODO: List which add-ons are included in the project, and the purpose each add-on serves in your app.
TODO: Describe the installation process (making sure you mention bundle install
Instructions need to be such that a user can just copy/paste the commands to get things set up and running.
TODO: Write usage instructions. Structuring it as a walkthrough can help structure this section, and showcase your features.
TODO: Describe any known issues, bugs, odd behaviors or code smells. Provide steps to reproduce the problem and/or name a file or a function where the problem lives.
TODO: Leave the steps below if you want others to contribute to your project.
- Fork it!
- Create your feature branch:
git checkout -b my-new-feature
- Commit your changes:
git commit -am 'Add some feature'
- Push to the branch:
git push origin my-new-feature
- Submit a pull request :D
TODO: Provide links to additional documentation that may exist in the repo, e.g.,
- Sprint reports
- User links