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Nextcloud Server Styles

Extracted Nextcloud server global styles

  • ⚡ Zero dependencies
  • 🌲 Different branches: master, stable30, stable29
  • REUSE.toml included

📥 Install

npm i @shgk/nextcloud-styles

🏗️ Prerequisites

Requires a bundler with .css import support, such as Webpack with css-loader ot Vite.

🧑‍💻 Usage

Import all styles and themes:

// master
import '@shgk/nextcloud-styles'
// or a specific branch
import '@shgk/nextcloud-styles/master'
import '@shgk/nextcloud-styles/stable30'
import '@shgk/nextcloud-styles/stable29'

Importing a specific file:

// master
import '@shgk/nextcloud-styles/apps/theming/theme/dark.css'
import '@shgk/nextcloud-styles/core/img/logo/logo.svg'
// or a specific branch
import '@shgk/nextcloud-styles/master/apps/theming/css/default.css'
import '@shgk/nextcloud-styles/stable30/core/css/server.css'

📦 Details

Styles are close to the original. Changes:

  • Added light.plain.css and light.dark.css to be used as server's
    <link rel="stylesheet" media="prefers-color-scheme: light" href="/apps/theming/theme/light.css?plain=1" />
    <link rel="stylesheet" media="prefers-color-scheme: dark" href="/apps/theming/theme/dark.css?plain=1" />
  • Absolute paths in url() are changed to relative
  • Added REUSE.toml for license information
  • Added theme.css for re-export theming styles including plain style on prefers-color-scheme
  • Added index.js for re-export all styles and themes.css

Styles structure:

    │   └───theming
    │       ├───css
    │       │   └───default.css
    │       ├───img
    │       │   └───...
    │       └───theme
    │           ├───dark.css
    │           ├───dark.plain.css
    │           ├───dark.css
    │           └───light.plain.css
    │   ├───css
    │   │   ├───apps.css
    │   │   └───server.css
    │   └───img
    │       └───...
    │   └───icons.css
    ├───theme.css = apps/theming/css/default.css + apps/theming/theme/* with prefers-color-scheme
    └───index.js = core/css/server.css + core/css/apps.css + theme.css

Based on awesome szaimen/nextcloud-simple-test.

👾 Development

Update styles:

node ./build/extract.js <VERSION>


  • Add high-contrast theme and dyslexia-friendly font
  • Add automatic updates
  • Add custom themes support
  • Add private servers support
  • Improve building performance
  • Remove unneeded images


Nextcloud server global styles for testing and development





