This module will restore backup of mongodb in .zip created by backup-mongodb.
You should use this module alongside backup-mongodb
//example dbUri with no authentication
var databaseUri = "mongodb://";
//example dbUri with username and password for the database test
// var dbUri = "mongodb://username:[email protected]:27017/test";
var zipFilePath = "test/";
//this tells the module that your collections uses the default generated mongodb ObjectID.
//default is true
var useObjectID = true;
var Restore = require("backup-mongodb-restorer");
new Restore (databaseUri, zipFilePath, useObjectID).restore();
//optionally you can call new Restore (databaseUri, zipFilePath, useObjectID).restore(done);
//where done is the callback to be called when done
npm install -save backup-mongodb-restorer
clone this git repo and cd into it.
then run $ npm install to install all the dependencies
then run the command $ npm test to run the tests
* databaseUri [required]: the uri to the mongodatabase e.g. mongodb://
* zipFilePath [required]: path/to/
* useObjectID [optional]: Default = true;
* calling new Restore(databaseUri, zipFilePath, useObjectID).restore(); does the job
* OR new Restore(databaseUri, zipFilePath, useObjectID).restore(done); where done is a callback to be invoke on completion
v1.1.0 - feature for ObjectID was added. It restores the _id field as mongodb ObjectID except otherwise specified. dependencies were updated
v1.0.6 - first stable release
Author: Seun Matt connect me on linkedIn
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