This is a NodeMCU device that shows data about Covid-19 in Italy taken from a remote CSV updated by Presidenza del Consiglio dei ministri - Dipartimento della Protezione Civile (Github user: PCM-DPC). PCM-DPC offers open data uploaded on Github on this url under the CC BY-4.0 License.
This project reads the last CSV, uploaded for Italian Regions, and extract the last data for a particular Region, then explodes the row and shows data on an ILI9341 display. Time/date is showed by updating once a day the time using a NTP Server. Time is keeped even if the NTP server is not available: in this case software will retry to connect to NTP server after some minutes. New CSV data are downloaded once a day after 18:00, if new data are not present, software retries after 10 minutes.
Click here for more info on this project
Change ssid
and password
variables of the code (file secrets.h) to suit your router. In the Secrets.h there are also user/password for MQTT, leave them if you don't want to use MQTT (in this case, comment #define USE_MQTT in the coviclock.ino file).
Edit eventually the gateway
IP Address if your router uses a different IP address than Change csvFind
for extracting data about your your region: you must write the region in the same manner was written in the CSV.
If you're interested: Protezione civile uploads Data also in JSON format. My code don't use this possibility.
Italian Users can buy components from Futura Elettronica. Here is a Google Spreadsheet with all links.
You can support my works making Coviclock PCBs on PCBWay:
You must install those libraries from the Arduino Ide library manager:
- Adafruit GFX ( by Adafruit
- Adafruit ILI9341 ( by Adafruit
- EasyNTPClient ( by Harsha Alva
- TimeLib ( by Michael Margolis
- PubSub Client ( by Nick O'Leary - This is required only if you use the MQTT feature on the standard firmware
Source code is in the Arduino Folder.