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Why Jenkins?

Many of the smaller repos under the scala organization (for example, scala-xml) use Travis-CI for continuous integration. Travis requires the least setup or administration, so it's the easiest way for maintainers from the open-source community to participate.

But for the main Scala repository itself, we have found that we want the full power of Jenkins: for capacity, for performance, and for full control over every aspect of the builds. Also, we want to build every commit, not just every push.

(We do, however, try to design our Jenkins configurations to be consistent, within reason, with a possible eventual move to Travis.)

How it works

The idea is to use chef to configure EC2 instances for both the master and the slaves. The jenkins config will be captured in chef recipes. Everything is versioned, with server and workers not allowed to maintain state.

This is inspired by

Get some tools

brew cask install cord
brew install awscli

One-time EC2/IAM setup

Adding users

Create two users: one for admin (aws console) access (generate a password), one for CLI access (using the access key). The awscli package provides the aws cli, which is used by knife for ec2 provisioning. Add the script user to the jenkins-knife group, the console user to the admin group.

Once you have your usernames, run aws configure. Enter the access key for your user-scripts username, set the default region to us-west-1. Test by running aws ec2 describe-instances.

Create a script user for use with knife

Never run scripts as root. Best to have a completely separate user.

This user needs the following policy (WIP!):

  "Version": "2012-10-17",
  "Statement": [
      "Effect": "Allow",
      "Action": [
      "Resource": "*"
      "Action": "ec2:*",
      "Effect": "Allow",
      "Resource": "*"

Create security group (ec2 firewall)

CONFIGURATOR_IP is the ip of the machine running knife to initiate the bootstrap -- it can be removed once chef-client is running.

aws ec2 create-security-group --group-name "Master" --description "Remote access to the Jenkins master"
aws ec2 authorize-security-group-ingress --group-name "Master" --protocol tcp --port 22 --cidr $CONFIGURATOR_IP/32 # ssh bootstrap
aws ec2 authorize-security-group-ingress --group-name "Master" --protocol tcp --port 8080 --cidr
Type Protocol Port Range Source
Custom TCP Rule TCP node['scabot']['port']
All traffic All All sg-ecb06389 (Workers)
All traffic All All sg-1dec3d78 (Windows)
aws ec2 create-security-group --group-name "Windows" --description "Remote access to Windows instances"
aws ec2 authorize-security-group-ingress --group-name "Windows" --protocol tcp --port 5985 --cidr $CONFIGURATOR_IP/32 # allow WinRM from the machine that will execute `knife ec2 server create` below
aws ec2 authorize-security-group-ingress --group-name "Windows" --protocol tcp --port 0-65535 --source-group Master
Type Protocol Port Range Source
All TCP TCP 0 - 65535 sg-7afd2d1f (Master)
Custom TCP Rule TCP 5985 $CONFIGURATOR_IP/32
aws ec2 create-security-group --group-name "Workers" --description "Jenkins workers nodes"
aws ec2 authorize-security-group-ingress --group-name "Workers" --protocol tcp --port 22 --cidr $CONFIGURATOR_IP/32 # ssh bootstrap
aws ec2 authorize-security-group-ingress --group-name "Workers" --protocol tcp --port 0-65535 --source-group Master
Type Protocol Port Range Source
All TCP TCP 0 - 65535 sg-7afd2d1f (Master)

Instance profiles

This avoids passing credentials for instances to use aws services.

Create instance profiles

An instance profile must be passed when instance is created. It must contain one role. Can attach more policies to that role at any time.

Based on

aws iam create-instance-profile --instance-profile-name JenkinsMaster
aws iam create-instance-profile --instance-profile-name JenkinsWorkerPublish
aws iam create-instance-profile --instance-profile-name JenkinsWorker

aws iam create-role --role-name jenkins-master         --assume-role-policy-document file://$PWD/chef/ec2-role-trust-policy.json
aws iam create-role --role-name jenkins-worker         --assume-role-policy-document file://$PWD/chef/ec2-role-trust-policy.json
aws iam create-role --role-name jenkins-worker-publish --assume-role-policy-document file://$PWD/chef/ec2-role-trust-policy.json

aws iam add-role-to-instance-profile --instance-profile-name JenkinsMaster        --role-name jenkins-master
aws iam add-role-to-instance-profile --instance-profile-name JenkinsWorker        --role-name jenkins-worker
aws iam add-role-to-instance-profile --instance-profile-name JenkinsWorkerPublish --role-name jenkins-worker-publish

Attach policies to roles:

NOTE: if you get syntax errors, check the policy doc URL

aws iam put-role-policy --role-name jenkins-master --policy-name jenkins-ec2-start-stop        --policy-document file://$PWD/chef/jenkins-ec2-start-stop.json
aws iam put-role-policy --role-name jenkins-master --policy-name jenkins-dynamodb              --policy-document file://$PWD/chef/dynamodb.json
aws iam put-role-policy --role-name jenkins-master --policy-name jenkins-ebs-create-vol        --policy-document file://$PWD/chef/ebs-create-vol.json
aws iam put-role-policy --role-name jenkins-worker --policy-name jenkins-ebs-create-vol        --policy-document file://$PWD/chef/ebs-create-vol.json

TODO: once sbt/sbt-s3#14 is fixed, remove s3credentials from nodes (use IAM profile below instead)

aws iam put-role-policy --role-name jenkins-worker-publish --policy-name jenkins-s3-upload      --policy-document file://$PWD/chef/jenkins-s3-upload.json
aws iam put-role-policy --role-name jenkins-worker-publish --policy-name jenkins-ebs-create-vol --policy-document file://$PWD/chef/ebs-create-vol.json

Create an Elastic IP for each node

TODO: attach to elastic IPs

Install chef/knife

brew cask install chefdk
eval "$(chef shell-init zsh)" # set up gem environment
gem install knife-ec2 knife-windows knife-github-cookbooks chef-vault

Get credentials for the typesafe-scala organization

Join (, and ask to be invited to the typesafe-scala org on slack.

For the CLI to work, you need:

export CHEF_ORG="typesafe-scala"

If your username on does not match the local username on your machine, you also need

export CHEF_USER="[username]"

You can then generate and download your private key on Put it to $PWD/.chef/config/$CHEF_USER.pem, then you can use knife without further config. See $PWD/.chef/knife.rb for key locations.

Test if knife works correctly by running knife cookbook list.

Obtain the organization validation key from Adriaan and put it to $PWD/.chef/config/$CHEF_ORG-validator.pem. (Q: When is this key used exactly? says it's when a new node runs chef-client for the first time.)

Clone scala-jenkins-infra cookbook and its dependencies

I think you can safely ignore ERROR: IOError: Cannot open or read **/metadata.rb! in the below

cd ~/git/cookbooks
git init .
g commit --allow-empty -m"Initial"

hub clone scala/scala-jenkins-infra
cd scala-jenkins-infra
ln -sh ~/git/cookbooks $PWD/.chef/

knife cookbook site install cron
knife cookbook site install logrotate
knife cookbook site install chef_handler
knife cookbook site install windows
knife cookbook site install chef-client
knife cookbook site install aws
knife cookbook site install delayed_evaluator
knife cookbook site install ebs
knife cookbook site install apt
knife cookbook site install packagecloud
knife cookbook site install runit
knife cookbook site install yum
knife cookbook site install 7-zip
knife cookbook site install ark
knife cookbook site install artifactory
knife cookbook site install build-essential
knife cookbook site install dmg
knife cookbook site install yum-epel
knife cookbook site install git
knife cookbook site install user
knife cookbook site install partial_search
knife cookbook site install ssh_known_hosts
knife cookbook site install git_user

knife cookbook site install chef-vault

Current cookbooks

  • 7-zip == 1.0.2
  • apt == 2.7.0
  • ark == 0.9.0
  • artifactory == 0.1.1
  • aws == 2.7.0
  • build-essential == 2.2.3
  • chef-client == 4.3.0
  • chef_handler == 1.1.6
  • cron == 1.6.1
  • delayed_evaluator == 0.2.0
  • dmg == 2.2.2
  • ebs == 0.3.6
  • git == 4.2.2
  • git_user == 0.3.1
  • logrotate == 1.9.1
  • packagecloud == 0.0.17
  • partial_search == 1.0.8
  • runit == 1.6.0
  • sbt == 0.1.0
  • sbt-extras == 0.4.0
  • ssh_known_hosts == 2.0.0
  • user == 0.4.2
  • windows == 1.36.6
  • yum == 3.6.0
  • yum-epel == 0.6.0

Switch to unreleased versions from github

knife cookbook github install adriaanm/jenkins/fix305  # custom fixes + (b-dean/jenkins/http_ca_fixes)
knife cookbook github install adriaanm/java/windows-jdk1.6  # jdk 1.6 installer barfs on re-install -- wipe its INSTALLDIR
knife cookbook github install adriaanm/chef-sbt
knife cookbook github install gildegoma/chef-sbt-extras
knife cookbook github install adriaanm/artifactory

Upload cookbooks to chef server

knife cookbook upload --all

Cache installers locally

  • they are tricky to access, might disappear,...
  • checksum is computed with shasum -a 256
  • TODO: host them on an s3 bucket (credentials are available automatically)

Configuring the jenkins cluster

Secure data (one-time setup, can be done before bootstrap)


NOTE: the JSON must not have a field "id"!!!

Chef user with keypair for jenkins cli access

eval "$(chef shell-init zsh)" # use chef's ruby, which has the net/ssh gem
ruby chef/keypair.rb > $PWD/.chef/keypair.json
ruby chef/keypair.rb > $PWD/.chef/scabot-keypair.json

# extract private key to $PWD/.chef/scabot.pem

knife vault create master scala-jenkins-keypair \
  --json $PWD/.chef/keypair.json \
  --search 'name:jenkins*' \
  --admins adriaan

knife vault create master scabot-keypair \
  --json $PWD/.chef/scabot-keypair.json \
  --search 'name:jenkins-master' \
  --admins adriaan

knife vault create master scabot \
    "jenkins": {
      "token": "..."
    "github": {
      "scala":    {"token": "..."}
      "lampepfl": {"token": "..."}
  --search 'name:jenkins-master' \
  --admins adriaan

For github oauth -->

knife vault create master github-api \
  '{"client-id":"<Client ID>","client-secret":"<Client secret>"}' \
  --search 'name:jenkins-master' \
  --admins adriaan

For nginx ssl

knife vault create master scala-ci-key \
  --json scalaci-key.json \
  --search 'name:jenkins-master' \
  --admins adriaan

Workers that need to publish

knife vault create worker-publish sonatype \
  '{"user":"XXX","pass":"XXX"}' \
  --search 'name:jenkins-worker-ubuntu-publish' \
  --admins adriaan

knife vault create worker-publish private-repo \
  '{"user":"XXX","pass":"XXX"}' \
  --search 'name:jenkins-worker-ubuntu-publish' \
  --admins adriaan

knife vault create worker-publish s3-downloads \
  '{"user":"XXX","pass":"XXX"}' \
  --search 'name:jenkins-worker-*-publish' \
  --admins adriaan

knife vault create worker-publish chara-keypair \
  --json $PWD/.chef/config/chara-keypair.json \
  --search 'name:jenkins-worker-ubuntu-publish' \
  --admins adriaan

knife vault create worker-publish gnupg \
  --json   $PWD/.chef/config/gnupg.json \
  --search 'name:jenkins-worker-ubuntu-publish' \
  --admins adriaan

knife vault create worker private-repo-public-jobs \
  '{"user":"XXX","pass":"XXX"}' \
  --search 'name:jenkins-worker-behemoth-*' \
  --admins adriaan

Dev machine convenience

This is how I set up my desktop to make it easier to connect to the EC2 nodes. The README assumes you're using this as well.


Note that the IPs are stable by allocating elastic IPs and associating them to nodes. jenkins-master  jenkins-worker-ubuntu-publish jenkins-worker-windows-publish    jenkins-worker-behemoth-1   jenkins-worker-behemoth-2


Host jenkins-worker-ubuntu-publish
  IdentityFile ~/.ssh/typesafe-scala-aws-$AWS_USER.pem
  User ubuntu

Host jenkins-worker-behemoth-1
  IdentityFile ~/.ssh/typesafe-scala-aws-$AWS_USER.pem
  User ec2-user

Host jenkins-worker-behemoth-2
  IdentityFile ~/.ssh/typesafe-scala-aws-$AWS_USER.pem
  User ec2-user

Host jenkins-master
  IdentityFile ~/.ssh/typesafe-scala-aws-$AWS_USER.pem
  User ec2-user

Host scabot
  HostName jenkins-master
  IdentityFile $PWD/.chef/scabot.pem
  User scabot

Host jenkins-worker-windows-publish
  IdentityFile ~/.ssh/typesafe-scala-aws-$AWS_USER.pem
  User jenkins

Launch instance on EC2

Create (ssh) key pair

TODO: I don't think the name matters as long as it's used consistently, ultimately your access key and secret credentials are used by aws-cli to generate the keys etc

If your username on AWS does not match the local username on your machine, define

export AWS_USER="[username]"

Create a keypair and store locally to authenticate with instances over ssh/winrm:

echo $(aws ec2 create-key-pair --key-name $AWS_USER | jq .KeyMaterial) | perl -pe 's/"//g' > ~/.ssh/typesafe-scala-aws-$AWS_USER.pem
chmod 0600 ~/.ssh/typesafe-scala-aws-$AWS_USER.pem

Selected AMIs

  • jenkins-master: ami-3b14f27f (Amazon Linux AMI 2015.03 on HVM Instance Store 64-bit for US West N. California)
  • windows: ami-cfa5b68a (Windows_Server-2012-R2_RTM-English-64Bit-Base-2014.12.10)
  • ubuntu: ami-2915e16d (search for "vivid hvm:ebs-ssd us-west-1" on



  • name is important (used to allow access to vault etc); it can't be changed later, and duplicates aren't allowed (can bite when repeating knife ec2 create)
  • can't access the vault on bootstrap (see After bootstrap below)
   --subnet subnet-4bb3b80d --associate-eip \
   --server-connect-attribute public_ip_address           \

knife ec2 server create -N jenkins-master                  \
   --flavor m3.large                                       \
   --region us-west-1                                      \
   -I ami-3b14f27f                                         \
   -G Master --ssh-user ec2-user                           \
   --iam-profile JenkinsMaster                             \
   --security-group-ids sg-7afd2d1f                        \
   --identity-file ~/.ssh/typesafe-scala-aws-$AWS_USER.pem \
   --run-list "scala-jenkins-infra::master-init"

knife ec2 server create -N jenkins-worker-windows-publish \
   --flavor c4.xlarge                                     \
   --region us-west-1                                     \
   -I ami-45332200 --user-data chef/userdata/win2012.txt  \
   --iam-profile JenkinsWorkerPublish                     \
   --ebs-optimized --ebs-volume-type gp2                  \
   --security-group-ids sg-1dec3d78                       \
   --subnet subnet-4bb3b80d --associate-eip \
   --server-connect-attribute public_ip_address           \
   --identity-file ~/.ssh/typesafe-scala-aws-$AWS_USER.pem             \
   --run-list "scala-jenkins-infra::worker-init"

// NOTE: c3.large is much slower than c3.xlarge (scala-release-2.11.x-build takes 2h53min vs 1h40min )

# NOTE: Make sure to first remove the ips in $workerIp from your ~/.ssh/known_hosts.
# Also remove the corresponding worker from the chef server (can be only one with the same name).

workerName=(jenkins-worker-behemoth-1 jenkins-worker-behemoth-2 jenkins-worker-ubuntu-publish)
workerFlavor=(c4.2xlarge c4.2xlarge c4.xlarge)

for worker in 1 2 3
do knife ec2 server create -N ${workerName[$worker]}             \
   --flavor ${workerFlavor[$worker]}                             \
   --region us-west-1                                            \
   -I ami-81afbcc4 --ssh-user ubuntu                             \
   --hint ec2                                                    \
   --iam-profile JenkinsWorker                                   \
   --ebs-optimized --ebs-volume-type gp2                         \
   --security-group-ids sg-ecb06389                              \
   --subnet subnet-4bb3b80d --associate-eip ${workerIp[$worker]} \
   --server-connect-attribute public_ip_address                  \
   --identity-file ~/.ssh/typesafe-scala-aws-$AWS_USER.pem       \
   --run-list "scala-jenkins-infra::worker-init"


  • --hint ec2 should enable ec2 detection (so that node[:ec2] gets populated by ohai); It does the equivalent of ssh ${workerIp[$worker]} sudo mkdir -p /etc/chef/ohai/hints/ && sudo touch /etc/chef/ohai/hints/ec2.json

  • userdata.txt must be one line, no line endings (mac/windows issues?) <script>winrm quickconfig -q & winrm set winrm/config/service @{AllowUnencrypted="true"} & winrm set winrm/config/service/auth @{Basic="true"} & netsh advfirewall firewall set rule group="remote administration" new enable=yes & netsh advfirewall firewall add rule name="WinRM Port" dir=in action=allow protocol=TCP localport=5985</script>

After bootstrap (or when nodes are added)

Update access to vault

knife vault update master github-api            --search 'name:jenkins-master'

knife vault update master scala-jenkins-keypair --search 'name:jenkins*'

knife vault update worker private-repo-public-jobs --search 'name:jenkins-worker-behemoth-*'

knife vault update worker-publish s3-downloads  --search 'name:jenkins-worker-*-publish'

knife vault update worker-publish sonatype      --search 'name:jenkins-worker-ubuntu-publish'
knife vault update worker-publish private-repo  --search 'name:jenkins-worker-ubuntu-publish'
knife vault update worker-publish chara-keypair --search 'name:jenkins-worker-ubuntu-publish'
knife vault update worker-publish gnupg         --search 'name:jenkins-worker-ubuntu-publish'

Add run-list items that need the vault

knife node run_list set jenkins-master  "recipe[chef-vault],scala-jenkins-infra::master-init,scala-jenkins-infra::master-config,scala-jenkins-infra::master-jenkins"

for w in jenkins-worker-windows-publish jenkins-worker-ubuntu-publish jenkins-worker-behemoth-1 jenkins-worker-behemoth-2
  do knife node run_list set $w  "recipe[chef-vault],scala-jenkins-infra::worker-init,scala-jenkins-infra::worker-config"

Re-run chef manually

  • windows:
PASS=$(aws ec2 get-password-data --instance-id i-f67c0a35 --priv-launch-key ~/.ssh/typesafe-scala-aws-$AWS_USER.pem | jq .PasswordData | xargs echo)
knife winrm jenkins-worker-windows-publish chef-client -m -P $PASS
  • linux
ssh jenkins-worker-ubuntu-publish
sudo su --login # --login needed on ubuntu to set SSL_CERT_FILE (it's done in /etc/profile.d)

Attach eips

aws ec2 associate-address --allocation-id eipalloc-df0b13bd --instance-id i-94adaa5e  # jenkins-master

Example of bringing up a new version of our beloved behemoths

$ knife ec2 server create -N jenkins-worker-behemoth-1        \
>    --flavor c4.2xlarge                                      \
>    --region us-west-1                                       \
>    -I ami-81afbcc4 --ssh-user ubuntu                        \
>    --iam-profile JenkinsWorker                              \
>    --ebs-optimized --ebs-volume-type gp2                    \
>    --security-group-ids sg-ecb06389                         \
>    --subnet subnet-4bb3b80d --associate-eip     \
>    --server-connect-attribute public_ip_address             \
>    --identity-file ~/.ssh/typesafe-scala-aws-$AWS_USER.pem  \
>    --run-list "scala-jenkins-infra::worker-init"
  • knife vault update master scala-jenkins-keypair --search 'name:jenkins-worker-behemoth-1'

  • knife vault update worker private-repo-public-jobs --search 'name:jenkins-worker-behemoth-1'

  • knife node run_list set jenkins-worker-behemoth-1 "recipe[chef-vault],scala-jenkins-infra::worker-init,scala-jenkins-infra::worker-config"

  • mate ~/.ssh/config

Host jenkins-worker-behemoth-1
  IdentityFile /Users/adriaan/.ssh/typesafe-scala-aws-adriaan-scripts.pem
  User ubuntu
  • ssh jenkins-worker-behemoth-1 and sudo su
$ mkdir -p /etc/chef/ohai/hints/
$ touch /etc/chef/ohai/hints/ec2.json
$ chef-client
  • ssh-jenkins master, sudo and run chef-client to add back the deleted worker


Scabot access to jenkins

The jenkins token for scabot has to be configured manually:

  "id": "scabot",
  "jenkins": {
    "token": "<TOKEN>"
  • do knife vault update master scabot -J scabot-jenkins.json


  • Set admin password.
  • create repos (TODO: automate)
  • Create scala-ci user that can push to scala-release-temp and scala-pr-validation-snapshots,
  • coordinate scala-ci credentials with jenkins via
knife vault update worker-publish private-repo -J private-repo.json

where private-repo.json:

  "id": "private-repo",
  "user": "scala-ci",
  "pass": "???"


Worker offline?

If you see "pending -- (worker) is offline", try waiting ~5 minutes; it takes time for ec2-start-stop to spin up workers.

"ERROR: null" in slave agent launch log

There are probably multiple instances with the same name on EC2: Workaround: make sure EC2 instance names are unique.

Testing locally using vagrant

See $PWD/.chef/Vagrantfile -- make sure you first populated $PWD/.chef/cookbooks/ using knife, as documented above

If connections hang

Make sure security group allows access, winrm was enabled using --user-data...

SSL cert

$ openssl genrsa -out scala-ci.key 2048


$ openssl req -new -out scala-ci.csr -key scala-ci.key -config ssl-certs/scalaci.openssl.cnf

Send CSR to SSL provider, receive scalaci.csr. Store scala-ci.key securely in vault master scala-ci-key (see above).

Incorporate the cert into an ssl chain for nginx:

(cd ssl-certs && cat 00\ -\ scala-ci.crt 01\ -\ COMODORSAOrganizationValidationSecureServerCA.crt 02\ -\ COMODORSAAddTrustCA.crt 03\ -\ AddTrustExternalCARoot.crt > ../files/default/scala-ci.crt)

For forward secrecy:

openssl dhparam -out files/default/dhparam.pem 1024

Using 1024 bits (instead of 2048) for DH to be Java 6 compatible... Bye-bye A+ on

Confirm values in the csr using:

$ openssl req -text -noout -in scala-ci.csr

Retry bootstrap

knife bootstrap -c $PWD/.chef/knife.rb jenkins-worker-ubuntu-publish --ssh-user ubuntu --sudo -c $PWD/.chef/knife.rb -N jenkins-worker-ubuntu-publish -r "scala-jenkins-infra::worker-init"

WinRM troubles?

If it appears stuck at "Waiting for remote response before bootstrap.", the userdata didn't make it across (check C:\Program Files\Amazon\Ec2ConfigService\Logs) we need to enable unencrypted authentication:

aws ec2 get-password-data --instance-id $INST --priv-launch-key ~/.ssh/typesafe-scala-aws-$AWS_USER.pem

cord $IP, log in using password above and open a command line:

  winrm set winrm/config/service @{AllowUnencrypted="true"}
  winrm set winrm/config/service/auth @{Basic="true"}

knife bootstrap -V windows winrm $IP

Alternative windows AMIs

too stripped down (bootstraps in 8 min, though): ami-23a5b666 Windows_Server-2012-R2_RTM-English-64Bit-Core-2014.12.10 userdata.txt: <script>winrm quickconfig -q & winrm set winrm/config/service @{AllowUnencrypted="true"} & winrm set winrm/config/service/auth @{Basic="true"} & netsh advfirewall firewall set rule group="remote administration" new enable=yes & netsh advfirewall firewall add rule name="WinRM Port" dir=in action=allow protocol=TCP localport=5985</script>

older: ami-e9a4b7ac amazon/Windows_Server-2008-SP2-English-64Bit-Base-2014.12.10 userdata.txt: '<script>winrm quickconfig -q & winrm set winrm/config/service @{AllowUnencrypted="true"} & winrm set winrm/config/service/auth @{Basic="true"}</script>'

older: ami-6b34252e Windows_Server-2008-R2_SP1-English-64Bit-Base-2014.11.19 doesn't work: ami-59a8bb1c Windows_Server-2003-R2_SP2-English-64Bit-Base-2014.12.10


A Chef cookbook that manages Scala's CI infrastructure.







No packages published


  • Ruby 66.8%
  • HTML 29.1%
  • Nginx 3.5%
  • Shell 0.6%