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Building the Project

Sesu8642 edited this page Jan 4, 2025 · 4 revisions

Building the project - Steps for Ubuntu 22.04

  1. Install JDK and Git
sudo apt install openjdk-17-jdk git
  1. If you have other Java installations on your system, make sure Gradle is using the newly installed one.

    1. Option 1: set the system default: update-alternatives --config java
    2. Option 2: set it only for Gradle, see
  2. Clone this repository

git clone
  1. OPTIONAL if you want to build the Android app: Download and install the Android SDK (Can alternatively be done using Android Studio)
    1. Go to this page:
    2. Download the zip file for your OS (here: Linux)
mkdir Android
unzip ./Downloads/commandlinetools-linux-<version> -d ./Android
cd FeudalTactics/
echo 'sdk.dir=/path/to/Android/sdk' >
// accept all licenses
/path/to/Android/sdk/cmdline-tools/bin/sdkmanager --sdk_root=/path/to/Android/sdk --licenses
  1. Build
// Note: The first run can fail if you didn't install the Android SDK. Just try again and it should work.

// run desktop version
./gradlew lwjgl:run

// build jar (lands in FeudalTactics/lwjgl3/build/libs/)
./gradlew lwjgl:dist

// run Android version on device or emulator
./gradlew android:installDebug android:run

// build apk
./gradlew android:assembleRelease
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