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Data Augmentation for Intent Classification with Off-the-Shelf Large Language Models is a ServiceNow Research project


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This is the official implementation of the following paper:
Gaurav Sahu, Pau Rodriguez, Issam Laradji, Parmida Atighehchian, David Vazquez, and Dzmitry Bahdanau. Data Augmentation for Intent Classification with Off-the-shelf Large Language Models. Proceedings of the 4th Workshop on NLP for Conversational AI, ACL 2022.

If you find this code useful, please cite:

    title = "Data Augmentation for Intent Classification with Off-the-shelf Large Language Models",
    author = "Sahu, Gaurav  and
      Rodriguez, Pau  and
      Laradji, Issam  and
      Atighehchian, Parmida  and
      Vazquez, David  and
      Bahdanau, Dzmitry",
    booktitle = "Proceedings of the 4th Workshop on NLP for Conversational AI",
    month = may,
    year = "2022",
    address = "Dublin, Ireland",
    publisher = "Association for Computational Linguistics",
    url = "",
    pages = "47--57",

Running experiments


Preparing data

This step is only required if there you are starting from scratch, i.e., NO data has been prepared at all. Note that you are still required to create the symbolic link as suggested in the previous step. To get started with data preparation, run the following:

python --name <dataset_name> --data_root './data/'

This will generate samples for all the supported modes (upsample, gpt3, gptj, eda). You can enable top-k and top-p sampling by specifying appropriate values for --top_k [0,) and --top_p [0, 1] flags. NOTE: If generating for GPTJ, make sure there's enough GPU memory (recommended >=32G).

This will also setup the data directory structure for <dataset_name>. It will prepare a dataset.pkl AND data_full_suite.pkl. It will also generate the corresponding label maps (name2id, id2name). Make sure you have wget installed in your local machine.


Refer to the fewshot_baseline_clinc configuration in configs/exp_configs/ for full few-shot experiment config.

Running experiments:

To run baseline experiments following the original CLINC setting:

  1. Edit the baselines variable inside configs/exp_configs/ Here's an example for running small and plus baselines together:
baselines = hu.cartesian_exp_group(
        # do multiple runs to account for stochasticity in metrics
        "run#": list(range(10)),
        "dataset": [
            {"name": "clinc_oos", "num_labels": 151, "config": c, "oos_id": 150}
            for c in ["plus", "small"]
        ],  # config: small/plus/full/few_pure
        "model": {"name": "intent_classification", "backbone": "bert-large-uncased"},
        "exp_type": "baseline",  # intrinsic/baseline
        "lr": 4e-5,
        "batch_size": 32,
        "epochs": 6,
        "warmup_ratio": 0.1,
        "weight_decay": 0.01,
        # metrics to compute
        "metrics": [["accuracy", "f1", "precision", "recall"]],
        "metric_best": "accuracy",
        "ngpu": 1,
        "eval_accumulation_steps": 30,

Note: For CLINC (name='clinc_oos'), oos_id=42 for small/plus/imbalanced and oos_id=150 for full/full_*. It also supports no-OOS classifiers. Set oos_id=None and num_labels=150. For SNIPS (name='snips_official') oos_id=None and it only supports full* settings. Make sure that oos_id is set correctly. Refer to other config variables inside configs/ for partial few-shot (ex2 setup) and full few-shot configs.

  1. Run experiments:
$(which python) -m runners.train --savedir_base /path/to/save/dir/ --exp_group_list baselines -j 1 -v results.ipynb --python_binary $(which python)

Setting -j 0 will run it locally. --exp_group_list ex2_setup will run the EX2 experiments (make sure that the dataset preperation is complete)

For Oracle relabeling experiments:

  • Relabel generated examples using an oracle:
$(which python) -m runners.oracle_relabel -md /path/to/oracle/ -e fewshot_baseline_clinc
  • Train classifiers on the relabeled data:
$(which python) -m runners.train --savedir_base /path/to/save/dir/ --exp_group_list fewshot_oracle_clinc -j 1 -v results.ipynb --python_binary $(which python)
  1. To compile results, correctly set the "knobs" in runners.compile_results and then run python -m runners.compile_results from root.

Adding a new dataset

To add a new dataset, follow these steps:

  • Create a utils file for your dataset under utils/data_utils/. Let's call it {dataset} All the dataset-specific processing needs to be added in there. In the end, your {dataset} needs to have a parse_and_load_{dataset} function. Refer to the documentation of clinc_utils.parse_and_load_clinc() to understand more.
  • Add your dataset to parse_and_load() and get_ds_config() in utils/data_utils/
  • Running for your dataset name now should create the required files for ex2 and non-ex2 setup.
  • Finally, refer to this to also generate dataset for the oracle relabling experiments in the full few-shot setup.

List of configs for different experiments

  1. Reproducing CLINC150 results:
baselines = hu.cartesian_exp_group({
    # do multiple runs to account for stochasticity in metrics
    'run#': list(range(10)),
    'dataset': {'name': 'clinc_oos', 'num_labels': 151, 'oos_id': 150, 'config': 'full'},  # config: small/plus/full
    'model': {
        'name': 'intent_classification',
        'backbone':  'bert-large-uncased'
    'exp_type': 'baseline',  # intrinsic/baseline
    'lr': 4e-5,
    'batch_size': 32,
    'epochs': 6,
    'warmup_ratio': 0.1,
    'weight_decay': 0.01,
    # metrics to compute
    'metrics': [['accuracy', 'f1', 'precision', 'recall']],
    'metric_best': 'accuracy',
    'ngpu': 1,
    'eval_accumulation_steps': 30
  1. Running Partial few-shot baseline/upsample experiments:
ex2_setup = hu.cartesian_exp_group({
    # do multiple runs to account for stochasticity in metrics
    'run#': list(range(10)),
    'dataset': [{
        'name': 'clinc_oos', 'num_labels': 151, 'oos_id': 150,
        'config': 'full_'+v} for v in DOMAINS],  # config -> small/imbalanced/plus/small_aug/full
    'model': {
        'name': 'intent_classification',
        'backbone':  'bert-large-uncased'
    'exp_type': ['baseline', 'upsample'],  # gpt3/upsample/baseline
    'lr': 5e-5,
    'batch_size': 64,
    'epochs': 10,
    'warmup_ratio': 0.1,
    'weight_decay': 0.01,
    # metrics to compute. if oos_id is not None, 
    # compute inscope_accuracy and oos_recall as well
    'metrics': [['accuracy', 'f1', 'precision', 'recall']],
    'metric_best': 'f1',
    'eval_accumulation_steps': 30
  1. Partial few-shot augmented (GPT3) experiments:
ex2_setup = hu.cartesian_exp_group({
    # do multiple runs to account for stochasticity in metrics
    'run#': list(range(10)),
    'dataset': [{
        'name': 'clinc_oos', 'num_labels': 151, 'oos_id': 150,
        'config': 'full_'+v} for v in DOMAINS],  # config -> small/imbalanced/plus/small_aug/full
    'model': {
        'name': 'intent_classification',
        'backbone':  'bert-large-uncased'
    'exp_type': ['gpt3'],  # gpt3/upsample/baseline
    'lr': 5e-5,
    'batch_size': 64,
    'epochs': 10,
    'warmup_ratio': 0.1,
    'weight_decay': 0.01,
    # metrics to compute. if oos_id is not None, 
    # compute inscope_accuracy and oos_recall as well
    'metrics': [['accuracy', 'f1', 'precision', 'recall']],
    'metric_best': 'f1',
    # 'gpt3_engine': 'ada',  # ada/babbage/curie/davinci
    'gpt3_engine': ['ada', 'babbage', 'curie', 'davinci'],  # ada/babbage/curie/davinci
    # 'gpt3_temp': 1.0,  # 0.5/0.6/0.7/0.8/0.9/1.0/1.5/2.0
    'gpt3_temp': [0.5, 0.6, 0.7, 0.8, 0.9, 1.0, 1.5, 2.0],  # 0.5-2.0
    'eval_accumulation_steps': 30
  1. Training the oracle:
baselines = hu.cartesian_exp_group({
    # do multiple runs to account for stochasticity in metrics
    'run#': list(range(1)),
    'dataset': {'name': 'clinc_oos', 'num_labels': 151, 'oos_id': None, 'config': 'full'},  # config: small/plus/full
    'model': {
        'name': 'intent_classification',
        'backbone':  'bert-large-uncased'
    'exp_type': 'intrinsic',  # intrinsic/baseline
    'lr': 4e-5,
    'batch_size': 32,
    'epochs': 6,
    'warmup_ratio': 0.1,
    'weight_decay': 0.01,
    # metrics to compute
    'metrics': [['accuracy', 'f1', 'precision', 'recall']],
    'metric_best': 'accuracy',
    'ngpu': 1,
    'eval_accumulation_steps': 30


Data Augmentation for Intent Classification with Off-the-Shelf Large Language Models is a ServiceNow Research project







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