This repository provides the source code of "Consensus Learning from Heterogeneous Objectives for One-Class Collaborative Filtering" accepted in TheWebConf (WWW2022) as a research paper.
We present ConCF Framework that exploits the complementarity from heterogeneous learning objectives throughout the training process, generating a more generalizable model.
In this work, we use five learning objectives for OCCF that have been widely adopted in recent work.
- CF-A: Bayesian Personalized Ranking (BPR) Loss
- CF-B: Collaborative Metric Learning (CML) Loss
- CF-C: Binary Cross-Entropy (BCE) Loss
- CF-D: Mean Squared Error (MSE) Loss
- CF-E: Multinomial Likelihood Loss
The performance of the head trained by CF-A is significantly improved in ConCF.
The consensus collaboratively evolves with the heads based on their complementarity, providing accurate supervision..
- Python version: 3.6.10
- Pytorch version: 1.5.0
Please refer to 'Guide to using ConCF.ipynb' file.