1.15.0 (2024-01-21)
- (TextChunck: add new class TextRange and moving most of TextChunck methods to it. (fbba29d)
- (TextChunck: new texts api. (f2a0651)
- AboutNavBar: add hebrew getting started video button (c585499)
- AboutNavBar: add video length to button text (abdd9f4)
- AboutNavBar: rotate vector img (96b2f03)
- api texts: make api work with lexicons. (3114834)
- api texts: new TextRange class for getting text. (e90b0e7)
- api texts: option for getting version by versionTitle only (without lang). (ed09ab7)
- api texts: return 400 for empty ref. (243f6cc)
- api texts: TextRangeSet and modifying TextRange for it. (82c52dc)
- api texts: warning for no translation. (b9fce28)
- api-v3: add new attribute 'fullLanguage' to Version, and use it in the api rather than actualLanguage which is just the language ISO code. (1596f18)
- api-v3: return error when return_format is not one of our known formats. (8115d1f)
- api: add direction attr to version when saved. (1801a0d)
- api: add return_format param that can be default, text_only (for stripping notes and html), or wrap_all_entities (for adding html for ref links and topic links). (f7936f8)
- api: get texts from new api. (ff8b266)
- jobs: Allow job postings to have a start date and end date for visibility (2cc9808)
- jobs: Sort team members in the correct order when the interface language is Hebrew (3e92cfc)
- strapi-cms: Rewrite Jobs page to use StaticPages component and to be editable through Strapi (1b35068)
- strapi-cms: Rewrite Team page to use a StaticPages component (6c42f3c)
- strapi-cms: Teams page now uses Strapi for its data (1653261)
- text api: add available_versions to the returned object. (c69e1a9)
- text api: add merge option to API. (8250816)
- text api: find language also with capital letters. (18dad10)
- text api: return the language attribute to api response. (336e758)
- texts api: add direction to version and pop the old language. (92cae3d)
- texts api: add errors to api response. (dd4cb16)
- texts api: default lang is base. (820ea09)
- texts api: handle lang 'base' and 'source'. (0fbf3df)
- Topic Editor: can add pictures with captions (1bf6cf8)
- Topic Editor: remove image button (b7af636)
- Topic Editor: Topic Editor can post to google cloud and return url (80f1a8c)
- translations: ass Hebrew strings for Select and Currently Selected. (2e5e4e6)
- translations: border line only after language. (0b43a86)
- translations: chevron svg files. (be94119)
- translations: functions for getting texts and particularly translations. Use the new function in TranslationBox. (939d7de)
- translations: no underline when hovering the content of translation. (baee75f)
- translations: rtl for rel translations. (562de7b)
- translations: show translations with preview. (fca5463)
- translations: space between version title and image. (2d081db)
- translations: styles for new feature. (965c4ee)
- translations: truncate translation with expanding ellipsis. (8604512)
- translations: update TranslationBox when moving segments. (a4bfd2f)
- translations: vertical space between blocks of 30px. (08d7863)
Bug Fixes
- (TextChunck: change params order of TextRange. (3207f2f)
- (texts api: get best priority for default. (b735640)
- Actually enable new cronjob on prod (93fea2a)
- Add test for Ref.contains (42d0bfa)
- Admin Editor: Add places that are neighborhoods or villages (a2d7305)
- api errors: rename get_dict to get_message when called. (67e86a5)
- api texts: add underscore to calls. (37d2459)
- api texts: error code for no translation. (fbd334a)
- api texts: fix getting text by TextRange. (8750229)
- api texts: passing params to jsonResponse correctly. (9b96175)
- api texts: sections and toSections for Talmud addressType, add collective title. (f1c8814)
- api texts: split_at_pipe_with_default for more than 1 pipe. (1b655c1)
- api texts: status code 405. (f3f2b52)
- api-v3: change 400 to 404 when ref is invalid or empty. (4e482c0)
- api: avoid accumulation of functions in iteration. (f4b57c8)
- change_parent needs to force update of node full_title (f8194f9)
- copyFromReader: clean code and remove debug prints (8be051b)
- copyFromReader: first approach for fixing - remove spans from text segment. recognize spans to remove through their ancestors (37eef42)
- copyFromReader: second and cleaner approach - remove all spans that are not "rangeSpan" from copied selection (59733e0)
- database: Check for db name existence in the db server before anything (7682f5e)
- fully convert tref to URL form before looking it up in the legacy ref mapping (5217da9)
- legacy ref: clean tref of underscores before replacing alt title so alt title will match exactly (a8aeaee)
- legacy ref: make sure legacy tref is in URL form (b8caab3)
- legacy: replace input title with normalized title in case input was an alt title (6d3bfd7)
- Performance improvement of Ref.contains (73e4a2d)
- Ref: do not try to recognize book in ref initialization in the middle of a word. (f3e8466)
- remove healthchecks from job pod (0c17b44)
- Search Result: markdown should be properly rendered (38704d3)
- SearchFilters: changed 'path' regex to ignore books whose title is the prefix of the current book (d655283)
- search: remove newline that was auto-added (2181ef3)
- text api: fix condition for adding a version. (08cdbad)
- text api: move condition on next ref to next ref. (8474203)
- text manager: do not return the same version even if included in two different version params. (9f51b4e)
- text manager: filling with other versions just when asked. (ba03a02)
- TextRange: add underscore. (3830f83)
- TextRange: trim text in copy rather than on the version itself. (5f85f31)
- texts api: default lang en in TextRange. (9fee80b)
- texts api: dont search for best priority if there are no versions. (13da51b)
- texts api: pop title from version. (cd7f89c)
- texts api: typo. (c6b7725)
- Topic Editor: all topics can have alt titles (0f6a3b3)
- Topic Editor: dont allow "Cancel" (only allow "Save") if removed/uploaded image (b38a922)
- Topic Editor: resize images as thumbnails 300x300 (07d4605)
- Topic Editor: save topic upon upload/remove image (cae792b)
- Topic Editor: when uploading topic photo, delete old one (ab98485)
- Topics: display without links in the TOC but with links on topic pages (4364748)
- Topics: topics shown in sidebar with markdown did not display markdown properly (5c62082)
- translations: add 1 to maxHeight for cases where for some reason scrollHeight is bigger by 1. (d7c83b8)
- translations: all elements of VersionBlockWithPreviewWTitleLine inline. (1a09b2f)
- translations: change right-margin to margin-inline-end for working with Hebrew. (4e5c804)
- translations: click chevron to close. (6237432)
- translations: default cursor for 'currently selected'. (f74f953)
- translations: fix everything for elements that should have cursor pointer will have it. (f5bab30)
- translations: fix font for versionPreviewWithOptionalEllipsis. (f6f3dba)
- translations: hide pseudo-element marker (for safari doesn't support content for it) and use instead the before pseudo-element. (d624079)
- translations: make ReaderPanel.selectVersion work on mobile. (ed77c69)
- translations: pointer cursor for all summary element. (ef0644a)
- translations: replace margin and outline by padding. (51f6c8b)
- translations: rerender on any change (including resize) for getting ellipsis right. (78dc355)
- translations: typo. (3dbaa1a)
- translations: version title in Hebrew when interface is Hebrew and not the opposite. (b2375ba)
- Try to connect to mongo replica set using primaryPreferred read preference (f07d43f)
- VersionBlock: remove isRequired from openVersionInReader. (622e30e)
- yq format (c8bc433)