About PanCanAID
This is a 2024 updated version of the PanCanAID project repository. PanCanAID is a philanthropic initiative that strives to enhance the early detection, diagnosis, and treatment of pancreatic cancer patients. We are committed to broadening our collaboration with teams and institutes who share our vision of improving the diagnosis and prognosis of pancreatic cancer. Our ultimate goal is to develop or aid in developing machine learning-driven tools with a minimum cost for the patients. Join us in our mission to combat pancreatic cancer and positively impact people’s lives.
PanCanAID's current focus is improving the accuracy of CT scan imaging and helping radiologists diagnose pancreatic cancer. We proudly announce that six leading institutes are involved in the PanCanAID data pipeline, providing us with a robust and diverse dataset. Our multidisciplinary team comprises experts from 10 institutes in Iran and the USA, including radiologists, oncologists, computer scientists, and data analysts. Join us in our efforts to make a real impact on the lives of those affected by this disease.
We aim to collect the most comprehensive imaging, laboratory, and clinical dataset, as well as detailed treatment timelines and pancreatic cancer outcomes. We hope that this can facilitate ML-based solutions for this cancer.
We provide the opportunity to all researchers worldwide and not-for-profit organizations to use this dataset and models as long as they get a minimum free from the patients, covering the inference and maintenance costs. Commercial use of the PanCanAID dataset and models is possible, mandating the commercial use to allocate 10% of the revenue of this project to charity porpuses of pancreatic cancer, including prevention of pancreatic cancer, community engagement to prevent pancreatic cancer, pancreatic cancer research, and pancreatic cancer treatment cost. The cost of supervision of this mandate should also be covered by the interested agencies. We acknowledge the challenge of governing bodies to adhere to this mandate, but since now, we couldn't find any other way that lies within our patients' interest, as we are beholding their entrusted data, and they mandated this rule, which is promoted by the PanCanAID co-founder.
- Hostiran: Covered 1-year cost of the cloud platform for segmentation (COI: Hostiran doesn't provide any medical services and is not involved in any process, including design, collection, development, or deployment)
- XNAT: We used their service to maintain a segmentation platform for our 15 segmentors.
Code for RE-USE: extracting dicom meta, assigning pseudonymized numbers, renaming folders, and anonymizing dicom
I prepared a no-code Python script that you can run from the command line. Please go to the folder named Step1_SortingFiles for a detailed guide.
It will guide you step by step to: 1- extract the dicom meta and store it in an Excel and JSON file 2- Assing desired pseudonymized numbers to folder names, and then add this code to the previously created Excel file (optional) 3- It will comprehensively anonymize dicom metadata (just necessary dicom meta will remain), and assign folder names as patient names and id.
That's it. Remember that for using it you should locate each dicom study (which can contain many files and series) in one folder in your directory. However, it can identify dicom studies in one folder of the directory (I am using study_id, study_date, and folder name to find unique studies). I wish you all luck in your projects, and since I was almost dead while handling so many tasks from so many centres I created this code for you and myself :) cheers
Code for RE-USE: Reading segmentation dicom files generated by OHIF or XNAT platforms + find the corresponding slices
What is PanCanAID?
Follow the instruction bellow to understand what is PanCanAID and how you can collaborate. If you decided to join and help us, follow the instructions to understand how you should finish you contribution.
As a medical center
As a pancreatic cancer physician
As a radiologist
What is PanCanAID
How you can contribute and what we can provide to compensate part of your efforts
After joining PanCanAID, follow this instruction describing the instructional pathway for you at PanCanAID Education:
- Instruction to PanCanAID Education: GP Segmentor Pathway
As a GP
What is PanCanAID
How you can contribute and what we can provide to compensate part of your efforts
After joining PanCanAID, follow this instruction describing the instructional pathway for you at PanCanAID Education:
- Instruction to PanCanAID Education: Radiologists Segmentor Pathway
As a (bio)medical student
- to help with data collection
- to help with patients' follow-up interview
As a pancreatic cancer patient
Please visit PanCanAID Education to see the all-in-one board.