For development, please start describo first with docker-compose, so the owncloud instance can use the same network. Then you can read further.
This enable oauth2 and describo app within owncloud automatically and create an oauth2 client for describo with preset values, so you can use the describo app right from the first start without any configuration. Because describo needs an email, the script also sets an invalid email address. For development use only and for convenience.
make start
make stop
If you do not want to enable oauth2 and describo app, then you can use the following commands to start / stop container.
docker-compose up -d
docker-compose down
But you have to manually add an oauth2 client via the admin panel interface.
If you do not use the makefile (or you want to use it in production), you have to enable the oauth2 and describo app on your own. This can be done over the marketplace for oauth2. Describo have to be added manually: You have to copy the php folder to /apps/describo. When you use docker, this folder will be mounted for you.
cp ./php /var/www/owncloud/apps/describo -r
If you do not use the makefile (or you want to use it in production), you have to create an oauth2 client on your own.
These can be done in the adminpanel http://localhost:8000/settings/admin?sectionid=authentication
. Please set describo
as the name of your new client. Otherwise you have to change the name of your client on the describo admin-panel (described in the next section).
Use the oauth2 secret as the describo secret in the configuration file.
If the describo instance does not run on the default host, you can change it on the describo admin-panel http://localhost:8000/settings/admin?sectionid=describo
. Also you can change the oauth2 client name, if you do not want to use describo
as the client name. As an addition, you can change the values in the configuration.php aswell. Then this values will be used as the default values. If you do not set anything in the admin page, the values from the configuration.php
will be used. Otherwise, the values in admin page will be used over the configuration.php
values. For convenience, you see the used values in the admin page right from the startup.
If you want to get all informations from user, then you can access the following url:
For jwt validation, you need a publickey. This can be requested here. JWT-Algorithm used RS256:
Now, you can open the top-left menu and open the Describo
App. If everything is correct, you should be redirected to authorize the describo app to access your files. After this, you will be redirect back to your app and the configured iframe source will be shown.
The sessionId for describo will be created, when you open the describo app within ownCloud and you have a valid access_token. Only when this constraints are fulfilled, this code will be executed.
If you want to request user informations and send it to the describo iframe, you can request within javascript ownCloud namespace with the following codesnippet:
).done((response) => {
jwt: response.jwt
If you want to add the access_token
to the url, you can add the following snippet in php/lib/Controller/PageController#index
before the last return TemplateResponse
$iframeUrl .= "?access_token=" . $access_token;