This is the ROS 2 simulation package for the Dingo robot
Make sure you run rosdep from your workspace folder.
rosdep install --from-paths src --ignore-src -r -y
Then simply build the packages using colcon build
colcon build --symlink-install
Finally, add the following line to your .bashrc file
export DINGO_LASER_3D 1
In order to use the simulation, you will need to run the following launch file.
ros2 launch dingo_gazebo
Wait for Gazebo to fully start. The Velodyne simulator can take up to 30 seconds to start, meaning the gazebo_ros spawner will take that long. As a result, ros2_control is delayed by about 20 seconds. This will ensure that the controllers don't time out while waiting to connect to the server started in the urdf.