I want to give Adementary a mild nostalgic look to those who remember the early 00s world of computer fashion. I am an Ed of the Morty kind, I will fail.
Adementary is a theme for GNOME/Budgie/Xfce/Cinnamon desktop with elementary-ish aesthetics.
This theme has come with 3 variants
Variants | Description | Preview |
Default | Light variant with dark panel | |
Dark | Dark variant | |
Light | Light variant with light panel (and GNOME shell/Cinnamon theme) |
- Xfce
- Budgie
- Cinnamon (> 4.0)
- Pantheon
elementary OS is NOT compatible. NOTE: Some of 3rd-party elementary/Granite apps are uses custom stylesheet that requires default elementary Gtk theme to work (except Flatpak-ed version because it enforced to use elementary Gtk theme), so it will broken if you use this theme (also with other 3rd-party theme)
- Downstream patched GNOME session (Ubuntu, Pop! OS)
However, you can install 'vanilla' GNOME by typing
sudo apt install gnome-session
in terminal
- KDE Plasma 5
- Other desktops/WMs
Noto Sans is used as default primary font for GNOME shell theme, Cantarell is used as fallback.
before you installing this theme, you need this package installed on your system:
for compiling sass css sourcesgtk
3.22- Ubuntu 16.04 users read this
(required before runninginstall.sh
Then run this command:
git clone https://github.com/hrdwrrsk/adementary-theme.git
cd adementary-theme
# System-wide install
sudo ./install.sh
# Local install
./install.sh -d ~/.themes
Then apply this theme with GNOME Tweaks or using your desktop's appearance settings
flatpak remote-add --if-not-exists flathub https://dl.flathub.org/repo/flathub.flatpakrepo
flatpak install flathub org.gtk.Gtk3theme.Adementary
report it via "Issues" tab, Pull request for bugfixes and features also accepted. for suggestion about design add [design] tag, for DEs/gtk+ app theming/etc. support, add [feature request] tag
- Adwaita GTK theme by GNOME. (this theme are based on Adwaita)
- elementary OS's GTK theme/stylesheet and it's color palette
- Mint-Y theme by Linux Mint, for Cinnamon theme basis
- install.sh, parse-sass.sh and render-assets.sh script are based on nana-4's materia-theme
- some other projects: Adapta, Arc, plane-gtk-theme and more for code fixes, hacks, etc