This HTML page appears to be a website for a wedding event between Lakshmi and Venkat, scheduled for March 15, 2024. Here's a brief description of the page:
- Title: "Lakshmi❤️Venkat - 15.03.2024"
- Fonts: The page uses various Google Fonts for typography, including Work Sans, Sacramento, Engagement, and Sofia Sans Condensed.
- Navigation: The page includes a navigation bar with links to different sections of the website such as Home, Events, Gallery, and Highlights.
- Header: The header section features a cover image with a text overlay displaying the names of the couple, the wedding date, and a romantic quote. It also includes a countdown timer using FlipClock.js.
- Events Section: This section provides information about the wedding venue, date, and time. It includes a Google Maps embedded iframe for the venue location.
- Gallery Section: The gallery section displays images of the couple, presumably from pre-wedding photoshoots or other related events.
- Highlights Section: This section showcases highlights of the wedding, possibly including a video of the ceremony.
- Scripts: The page includes various JavaScript files for functionality such as clock animation, image gallery, video playback, and smooth scrolling.
- Styling: The page uses custom CSS styles and Bootstrap for responsive design.
Overall, this HTML page serves as a digital invitation and information hub for the wedding event of Lakshmi and Venkat, providing essential details and visual content to the visitors.