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AchievementMgr framework; styling fixes;
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hkAlice committed Jan 19, 2023
1 parent bd17534 commit 3421399
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Showing 15 changed files with 664 additions and 13 deletions.
2 changes: 2 additions & 0 deletions .gitignore
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -27,6 +27,8 @@ src/tools/bin/generated/*

# Prerequisites
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210 changes: 210 additions & 0 deletions src/common/Common.h
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Expand Up @@ -1000,6 +1000,216 @@ namespace Sapphire::Common

namespace Achievement
enum class Type : uint8_t
Unknown_4,// Materia related? id 304
Unknown_5,// Hunt related? id 1259
Unknown_8,// Map discovery related

namespace GeneralSubtype
enum AchievementGeneralSubtype : int32_t
EnemyDefeatCount = 11,
GilEnemySource = 12,
GilLevequestSource = 13,
FactionLevequestCompleted = 14,
GuildhestCompleted = 15,
MateriaAffixCount = 16,
SpiritboundMateriaCount = 17,
RegionalBattleLevequestCompleted = 18,
LocalTradeLevequestCompleted = 19,

// Legacy subtypes - skipping

#pragma region Synth 1 -50 Recipes
SynthWoodworkingLv01to10Recipes = 23,
SynthWoodworkingLv11to20Recipes = 24,
SynthWoodworkingLv21to30Recipes = 25,
SynthWoodworkingLv31to40Recipes = 26,
SynthWoodworkingLv41to50Recipes = 27,
SynthSmithingLv01to10Recipes = 28,
SynthSmithingLv11to20Recipes = 29,
SynthSmithingLv21to30Recipes = 30,
SynthSmithingLv31to40Recipes = 31,
SynthSmithingLv41to50Recipes = 32,
SynthArmorcraftLv01to10Recipes = 33,
SynthArmorcraftLv11to20Recipes = 34,
SynthArmorcraftLv21to30Recipes = 35,
SynthArmorcraftLv31to40Recipes = 36,
SynthArmorcraftLv41to50Recipes = 37,
SynthGoldsmithingLv01to10Recipes = 38,
SynthGoldsmithingLv11to20Recipes = 39,
SynthGoldsmithingLv21to30Recipes = 40,
SynthGoldsmithingLv31to40Recipes = 41,
SynthGoldsmithingLv41to50Recipes = 42,
SynthLeatherworkingLv01to10Recipes = 43,
SynthLeatherworkingLv11to20Recipes = 44,
SynthLeatherworkingLv21to30Recipes = 45,
SynthLeatherworkingLv31to40Recipes = 46,
SynthLeatherworkingLv41to50Recipes = 47,
SynthClothcraftLv01to10Recipes = 48,
SynthClothcraftLv11to20Recipes = 49,
SynthClothcraftLv21to30Recipes = 50,
SynthClothcraftLv31to40Recipes = 51,
SynthClothcraftLv41to50Recipes = 52,
SynthAlchemyLv01to10Recipes = 53,
SynthAlchemyLv11to20Recipes = 54,
SynthAlchemyLv21to30Recipes = 55,
SynthAlchemyLv31to40Recipes = 56,
SynthAlchemyLv41to50Recipes = 57,
SynthCookingLv01to10Recipes = 58,
SynthCookingLv11to20Recipes = 59,
SynthCookingLv21to30Recipes = 60,
SynthCookingLv31to40Recipes = 61,
SynthCookingLv41to50Recipes = 62,
#pragma endregion

// TODO: Map gathering subtypes 63 to 128

GCStormSeals = 138,
GCSerpentSeals = 139,
GCFlameSeals = 140,

MaelstromLevequestCompleted = 141,
TwinAdderLevequestCompleted = 142,
ImmortalFlamesLevequestCompleted = 143,

MaelstromSupplyCompleted = 144,
TwinAdderSupplyCompleted = 145,
ImmortalFlamesSupplyCompleted = 146,

MaelstromProvisioningCompleted = 147,
TwinAdderProvisioningCompleted = 148,
ImmortalFlamesProvisioningCompleted = 149,

// Legacy subtypes - skipping

FieldLevequestCompleted = 179,
UniqueBattleLevequestCompleted = 180,

// TODO: Map leve subtypes 181 to 201

UniqueFishCaughtCount = 202,

// TODO: Map craft subtypes 203 to 213

UniqueQuestsCompleted = 214,
InstanceContentCompleted = 215, // Instanced dungeons, raids or trials
UniqueInstanceContentCompleted = 216,// Unique instanced dungeons, raids or trials

BindingCoilCompleted = 217,
UniqueGuildhestCompleted = 218,
FateCompleted = 219,

// TODO: Map subtypes 220 to 235

ChocoboRidePimpedOut = 236,

MaelstromUniqueLeveCompleted = 238,
TwinAdderUniqueLeveCompleted = 239,
ImmortalFlamesUniqueLeveCompleted = 240,

EnlistGCMaelstrom = 241,
EnlistGCTwinAdder = 242,
EnlistGCImmortalFlames = 243,

CommendationCount = 244,

// TODO: Map subtypes 245 to 250

ResurrectStrangers = 251,
SecondCoilCompleted = 266,
UniqueBigFishCaught = 267,
RetainerVentureCompleted = 268,

HighLvlDutyPaladinCompleted = 277,
HighLvlDutyWarriorCompleted = 278,

RelicAnimus = 279,
RelicNovus = 280,

HigherGradeMateriaFromTransmutation = 281,
ARRSightseeingLogCount = 284,

InterceptorDroneDefeated = 285,
InterceptorNodeDefeated = 286,

TrainAnotherChocoboCount = 287,

HuntRankBDefeated = 290,
HuntRankADefeated = 291,
HuntRankSDefeated = 292,

LootCofferLeatherMap = 293,

DesynthesizeItemCount = 294,

RelicNexus = 347,
FinalCoilCompleted = 348,
RelicZodiac = 349,
RelicZeta = 350,

TripleTriadUniqueCardCount = 352,
TripleTriadNPCDefeatedCount = 353,
TripleTriadRouletteWin = 354,
TripleTriadTournamentWin = 355,

MgpGoldSaucerAttractionSource = 356,
ChocoboRaceCount = 357,
ChocoboRaceWin = 358,
ChocoboCovering = 359,
ChocoboPedigreeLevel = 360,
ChocoboRating = 361,

FrontlineEnemyDispatched = 362,

GATECompleted = 363,

// TODO: Map subtypes 364 to 368

HighLvlDutyDarkKnightCompleted = 369,

GordiasCompleted = 370,
GordiasSavageCompleted = 371,

// TODO: Map subtypes 372 to X

union AchievementDataKey
uint32_t u32;

struct AchievementPackedKey {
uint8_t type;
uint16_t subtype;
uint8_t padding0;
} key;

enum HierarchyType : uint8_t
NONE_2 = 0x0,
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1 change: 1 addition & 0 deletions src/common/Database/DbConnection.cpp
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -2,6 +2,7 @@
#include "DbWorker.h"
#include <MySqlConnector.h>
#include "Logging/Logger.h"
#include <cassert>

#include "PreparedStatement.h"

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5 changes: 3 additions & 2 deletions src/common/Network/CommonActorControl.h
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -235,11 +235,12 @@ namespace Sapphire::Network::ActorControl

ArmoryErrorMsg = 0x201,

AchievementPopup = 0x203,
AchievementSetRate = 0x202,
AchievementComplete = 0x203,
SetCutsceneFlag = 0x204,

LogMsg = 0x205, // LogMessage?
AchievementMsg = 0x206,
AchievementObtainMsg = 0x206,

SetItemLevel = 0x209,

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6 changes: 6 additions & 0 deletions src/common/Network/PacketDef/Zone/ServerZoneDef.h
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Expand Up @@ -328,6 +328,12 @@ namespace Sapphire::Network::Packets::WorldPackets::Server
uint32_t Result;

struct FFXIVIpcAchievement : FFXIVIpcBasePacket< Achievement >
uint8_t complete[256]; // bitmask of achievements, up to 8 * 256 (2048) achvs
uint16_t history[5]; // last 5 achievement IDs

struct ZoneProtoDownLetterBoxAppendItemBase
uint32_t CatalogID;
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14 changes: 12 additions & 2 deletions src/world/Actor/Player.cpp
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -447,7 +447,7 @@ void Player::teleport( uint16_t aetheryteId, uint8_t type )
// if it is a teleport in the same zone, we want to do warp instead of moveTerri
bool sameTerritory = getTerritoryTypeId() == data.TerritoryType;

WarpType warpType;
WarpType warpType = WarpType::WARP_TYPE_NORMAL;
// TODO: this should be simplified and a type created in server_common/common.h.
if( type == 1 || type == 2 ) // teleport
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -824,7 +824,7 @@ void Player::setLevelForClass( uint8_t level, Common::ClassJob classjob )

m_classArray[ classJobIndex ] = level;

queuePacket( makeActorControlSelf( getId(), Network::ActorControl::ClassJobUpdate, static_cast< uint8_t >( classjob ), level ) );
Service< World::Manager::PlayerMgr >::ref().onSetLevelForClass( *this, classjob );

void Player::sendModel()
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -1315,6 +1315,16 @@ void Player::setTitle( uint16_t titleId )
sendToInRangeSet( makeActorControl( getId(), SetTitle, titleId ), true );

Player::AchievementList& Player::getAchievementList()
return m_achievementList;

Player::AchievementDataList& Player::getAchievementDataList()
return m_achievementData;

void Player::setMaxGearSets( uint8_t amount )
if( amount == 1 )
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12 changes: 11 additions & 1 deletion src/world/Actor/Player.h
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Expand Up @@ -25,6 +25,8 @@ namespace Sapphire::Entity
class Player : public Chara
using AchievementDataList = std::map< uint32_t, uint32_t >;
using AchievementList = std::array< uint8_t, 2048 / 8 >; // up to 2048 achievements
using TitleList = std::array< uint8_t, 48 >;
using HowToList = std::array< uint8_t, 34 >;
using MinionList = std::array< uint8_t, 40 >;
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -365,7 +367,13 @@ namespace Sapphire::Entity
/*! send the players title list */
void sendTitleList();

/*! set number of gear sets */
/*! get player's achievement list */
AchievementList& getAchievementList();

/*! get player's achievement data list */
AchievementDataList& getAchievementDataList();

/*! set number of gear sets */
void setMaxGearSets( uint8_t amount );

/*! get number of gear sets */
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -860,6 +868,8 @@ namespace Sapphire::Entity
uint8_t status;
} m_retainerInfo[8]{};

AchievementList m_achievementList{};
AchievementDataList m_achievementData{};
uint16_t m_activeTitle{};
TitleList m_titleList{};
HowToList m_howTo{};
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