Kingdom Hearts Launchers v1.2
Kingdom Hearts 1.5+2.5 Launcher
Unpack and replace the KINGDOM HEARTS HD 1.5+2.5 ReMIX.exe
Also check out: Melon Mix, Re:Fined
- Added CoM instead of Re:CoM as an option
- Fixed "Default reverse" to "Official reverse"
- Make the config loader pay attention if the config options are broken and reverse to defaults
- Made "Launch" and "Save" pressable by pressing Enter and "Cancel" by pressing ESC (can be macro'd to gamepad)
- Reordered config options
Kingdom Hearts 2.8 Launcher
Unpack and replace the KINGDOM HEARTS HD 2.8 Final Chapter Prologue.exe
- Made "Launch" and "Save" pressable by pressing Enter and "Cancel" by pressing ESC (can be macro'd to gamepad)
- Reordered config options