A Dynamic Holiday package for Php/ Laravel based on Google Calendar API
composer require san103/php-holiday-api
- PHP 8.0 or higher
- Composer
- Guzzlehttp/guzzle"
composer install
composer require guzzlehttp/guzzle:^7.0
namespace App/YourApp
use San103\Phpholidayapi\HolidayClient;
$holiday = new HolidayClient();
- (Optional) Set your Country Code e.g uk for United Kindom, us for United State
default sets to Philippines
- (Optional) Set Year you want to display the holiday dates ,
default is set to current year which is 2023
must define in last chain.
- Example usage in php
require 'vendor/autoload.php';
use San103\Phpholidayapi\HolidayClient;
public function index(){
$api = new HolidayClient();
return $api
- Example usage in Laravel 10
use San103\Phpholidayapi\HolidayClientLaravel;
public function index(){
$api = new HolidayClientLaravel();
return $api
- Install Cache
- use the HolidayClientLaravel source
return Cache::remember(date('Y'), now()->addMonth(), function () use ($http) {
change the now()->addMonth()
to set expiration of the cache
You may also provide your own Api key from Google API. just enable the Calendar Api and generate key
"title":"New Year\'s Day",
"description":"Public holiday",
"title":"People Power Anniversary",
"description":"Public holiday",
"title":"Maundy Thursday",
"description":"Public holiday",
"title":"Good Friday",
"description":"Public holiday",
"title":"Black Saturday",
"description":"Public holiday",
"title":"Labor Day",
"description":"Public holiday",
"title":"Independence Day",
"description":"Public holiday",
"title":"Ninoy Aquino Day",
"description":"Public holiday",
If you make this useful give us a star! Thank you and GodBless
The package is open-sourced software licensed under the MIT license.