Welcome to the GitHub repository KoalaCM a collaborative project undertaken during the third year by a team of four individuals. The project focuses on the development of the Koala Certificate Manager, a web application built with Flask, designed to simplify the generation and management of self-signed certificates.
- Project Name: Koala Certificate Manager
- Project Type: Last Year Project
- Team Members: Samrat, Ilias, Ismail, Jelle
User Authentication:
- Users can log in with a username and password (Currently, only one pre-programmed user, koala, is supported).
Certificate Generation:
- Users can generate self-signed certificates with customizable fields such as the common name, organization, validity period, optional password protection, and more to be added in the future.
Certificate Download:
- After generating a certificate, users can individually download the private key, X.509 certificate, and CSR (Certificate Signing Request).
- Visit the application and log in using the provided login page.
Create Certificate:
- After logging in, navigate to the "Create Certificate" page.
- Fill in the required fields for generating a certificate.
- Click the "Generate Certificate" button.
Download Certificates:
- Upon successful certificate generation, the user receives messages with the file names of the generated certificates.
- Download the private key, X.509 certificate, and CSR individually by clicking on the provided links.
- app.py: Main file of the Flask application.
- utils.py: Contains functions for certificate generation and user validation.
- templates: Folder with HTML templates.
- index.html: Home page.
- login.html: Login page.
- create_certificate.html: Page for creating certificates.
- uploads: Folder to store generated certificates. Recommended to manually make it.
- Clone the repository.
- Install the required dependencies:
pip install -r requirements.txt
- Run the application:
python app.py
- Open the application in a web browser at
- The application currently supports self-signed certificates.
- The application is a prototype and does not integrate with a certificate authority.
- Certificates are generated using OpenSSL.
- Integration with Let's Encrypt for CA-signed certificates.
- Additional security features and certificate options.
- Styling and feedback:
- The application has a clean and responsive user interface.
- Success and error messages are displayed to provide feedback on the certificate generation process.