A paged query class for Yii2 to deal with PHP7 changes in mysqlnd
It will load your result set the same way as pagination works using OFFSET
This extension is 99% for MySQL users.
Just include it in your composer:
php composer require "sammaye/yii2-pq":"~1.0.0"
$query = (new \sammaye\pq\Query)
->orderBy(['id' => SORT_DESC]);
foreach($query->each() as $k => $v){
And it will return in batches of 100 up to 300.
As you can see there is not much to learn about this extension except how to include it.
Note: There is no active record part to this query currently due to the
nature of PHP class inheritance and inclusion which means I would have to copy the ActiveQuery
I noticed that many of my cronjobs failed after an upgrade to PHP7. It was not long before I realised that there were two changes since PHP5.4:
- The default MySQL driver used by PHP7 has changed to mysqlnd
- And, mysqlnd now adds your result sets to it's own memory, buffering queries
Added to that, my own observations that unbuffered queries suck meant that I created this.