All of this code is outdated
The updated code can be found at PublicBot-Cmdo Repo
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//How to create a new command.
//1. Create a file the command folder example [ping.js]
//2. The basic command struct is this
const {Command} = require('discord.js-commando'), // This requires the discord.js-command npm package
Discord = require('discord.js'); // This requires the discord.js npm package, This is mostly used for stuff like RichEmbed etc.
module.exports = class NCommand extends Command {
constructor(client) {
super(client, {
name: "", // the command name goes here
memberName: "", // this is the same as the name above ^
aliases: [], // Add any aliases to this command, like [`name here`, `other name here`] etc
examples: [], // Give a example of how to do the command
description: "", //Give a description to the command example "This command shows the ping for the bot" etc.
group: "" // Enter the group name for the command to go into all of the group names is found in bot.js at the bottom like fun
async run(message) {
// Add the code here for the bot to run when the command is called.