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Terminal-based, hyper-fast, CRDT-backed, collaborative note-taking tool


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Terminal-based, hyper-fast, CRDT-backed, collaborative note-taking tool

Simple, powerful, extremely fast search

fzn is local-first; remote-second. It acts on local in-memory data, meaning no expensive I/O and native speeds.

Instant search (over large datasets) via any number of full or fuzzy match groups.

Zoom in using common prefixes.

Things the user does in this gif ☝️:

  1. Opens fzn
  2. Fuzzy searches for shopping, highlights matching lines with Ctrl-s, and zooms on common prefix with Enter (= denotes a full string match).
  3. Adds new line (with auto-prepended shopping prefix)
  4. Presses Escape to go to search line
  5. Fuzzy searches for impo, highlights and zooms on important project
  6. Focuses on line write `hello` script, and opens a note buffer (in vim) with Ctrl-o
  7. Adds the script, then saves and closes the vim buffer, thus attaching the note to the line
  8. Fuzzy matches on fzn, focuses on a line with a URL, and presses Ctrl-_ to match the URL and open in default browser

Real time collaboration

Backed by a CRDT-based, append-only, mergeable text database.

Collaboration is done on a per-line/item basis; by adding @{email} to the item. Shared lists are displayed by adding the email as a search group.

Offline changes will sync later with guaranteed/consistent output.

In short, you can collaborate on multiple "documents" from the same view at the same time.

Configure an S3 bucket yourself to sync between machines/users (accessed via access key/secret)


Local compilation

Compile locally (requires Go):

git clone [email protected]:Sambigeara/fuzzynote.git
cd fuzzynote
make build

Direct download

From the releases page.


Link to AUR package.

ArchLinux users can build and install fzn with:

yay -S fuzzynote


Basic usage

  1. Install fzn
  2. Start

Web sign-up, terminal login

  1. Install fzn
  2. Sign up here
  3. Login and follow prompts
./fzn login
  1. Start

Add a friend

  1. Sign up/log in
  2. Add a line starting with fzn_cfg:friend , e.g.
fzn_cfg:friend {friends_email}
  1. Ensure you are are connected to the internet
  2. Get your friend to do the same (emails swopped, of course)

Share a line with a friend

  1. Sign up/log in
  2. Add a friend, and have them add you, as per the above
  3. In the line you want to share, write the friends email, prefixed with a @, e.g.
fzn_cfg:friend [email protected]
Some random line I want to share @[email protected]

Setup an S3 remote

  1. Configure an S3 bucket with access via access key/secret - link to AWS docs.

  2. Create a file called config.yml in the fzn root directory. By default, this is at $HOME/.fzn/ on *nix systems, or %USERPROFILE%\.fzn on Windows. If you've already run fzn, the root directory will have a primary.db and one or more wal_*.db files, for reference.

  3. Add the following to the file, using key/secret from above:

  - key: {AWS_ACCESS_KEY}
    secret: {AWS_SECRET}
    bucket: bucket_name
    prefix: some_prefix
  1. Start the app, if you haven't already

Other remote platforms?

At present fzn only supports S3 as a remote target. However, it is easily extensible, so if there is demand for additional platforms, then please make a request via a new issue!



  • General navigation: Arrow keys
  • Go to start of line: Ctrl-a
  • Go to end of line: Ctrl-e
  • Go to search line: ESCAPE
  • Exit: Double ESCAPE

Search (top line)

Any number of tab-separated search groups are applied to the lists independently. Use full, fuzzy, or inverse string matching.

  • Fuzzy string match, start the search group with ~
  • Inverse string match (full strings), start the search group with !
  • Separate search groups: TAB
~foo # matches "fobo"
foo # will not match "fobo"
!foo # will ignore any lines with "foo" in it

List items (lines)

  • Add new line (prepending search line text to new line): Enter
  • Delete line: Ctrl-d
  • Undo/Redo last operation: Ctrl-u/Ctrl-r
  • Moves current item up or down: PageUp/PageDown
  • Open note on the currently selected list item in selected terminal editor (default is Vim). Save in editor saves to list item: Ctrl-o
  • Copy current item into buffer: Ctrl-c
  • Paste current item from buffer: Ctrl-p

Group operations

  • Select item under cursor: Ctrl-s
  • Set common prefix string to search line: Enter
  • Clear selected items: Escape


  • Globally display/hide archived items: Ctrl-v (top line)
  • Archive/un-archive list item: Ctrl-v

Handy functions

  • Open first URL in list item: Ctrl-_
  • Copy first URL from list item into the system clipboard: Ctrl-c
  • Export current matched lines to text file (will output to current_dir/export_*.txt): Ctrl-^

Token operators

The following character combinations will parse to different useful outputs:

  • {d}: A date in the form Mon, Jan 2, 2006


fzn --help will print out the configurable options.

> fzn --help
Usage: fzn [options] [arguments]

  --root/$FZN_ROOT      <string>
  --colour/$FZN_COLOUR  <string>  (default: light)
  --editor/$FZN_EDITOR  <string>  (default: vim)
  display this help message
  display version information
  • editor: specifies the terminal editor which is used when opening notes on list items. vim, emacs and nano all appear to work. Others may too.
  • sync-frequency-ms/gather-frequency-ms: these can be ignored for now
  • root: (mostly for testing and can be ignored for general use) specifies the directory that fzn will treat as it's root. By default, this is at $HOME/.fzn/ on *nix systems, or %USERPROFILE%\.fzn on Windows.


fzn supports importing from and exporting to line separated plain text files.


Import will generate a new set of list items based on individual lines in a plain text file. You need to specify the visibility each time as per the examples below:

./fzn import path/to/file --show # Items will be shown by default
./fzn import --hide path/to/file # Items will be hidden by default


Export allows you to generate a plain text file (in the directory from which fzn was invoked) based on the current match-set in the app. In short: search for something, press Ctrl-^, and fzn will spit out a file named something along the lines of export_*.txt.

Future plans

  • E2E encryption


The terminal client is fully functioning, however given the early stages of the project, and the (at points) rapid development, there are likely to be some bugs hanging around. Things to look out for:

  • Sometimes the sync algorithm gets confused. Usually, all that is needed is just to add or delete a line or character (adding additional events to the WAL will trigger a flush and get things moving). If that doesn't work, turning it off and on again usually does the trick.
  • Notice something wrong? Please do open an issue!


Almost entirely broken. Fuzzynote has undergone some fairly substantial changes over the past few months - the test suite will be updated to suit in due course (please don't judge me).


Terminal-based, hyper-fast, CRDT-backed, collaborative note-taking tool







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