TEAMMATES is a free online tool for managing peer evaluations and other feedback paths of your students. It is provided as a cloud-based service for educators/students and is currently used by hundreds of universities across the world.
This is the developer web site for TEAMMATES. Click here to go to the TEAMMATES product website.
Documentation for Developers đź“– | Version History | Project Stats
We welcome contributions from developers, especially students. Here are some resources:
- Contributor Orientation Guide: This document describes what you need to know/do to become a contributor.
- Project ideas page: These are for those who would like to do a relatively bigger projects with TEAMMATES (e.g. summer internships).
TEAMMATES team wishes to thank the following invaluable contributions:
- School of Computing, National University of Singapore (NUS), for providing us with the infrastructure support to run the project.
- Centre for Development of Teaching and Learning (CDTL) of NUS, for supporting us with several Teaching Enhancement Grants over the years.
- Learning Innovation Fund-Technology (LIF-T) initiative of NUS, for funding us for the 2015-2018 period.
- Google Summer of Code Program, for including TEAMMATES as a mentor organization in GSoC2014, GSoC2015, GSoC2016, GSoC2017 and GSoC2018 editions.
- Facebook Open Academy Program, for including TEAMMATES as a mentor organization in FBOA 2016.
- Jet Brains, for the Intellij IDEA licences
YourKit LLC, for providing us with free licenses for the YourKit Java Profiler (an industry leading profiler tool for Java applications).
SauceLabs, for providing us with a free Open Sauce account for cross-browser testing.
The best way to contact us is to post a message in our issue tracker. Our issue tracker doubles as a discussion forum. You can use it for things like asking questions about the project or requesting technical help.
Alternatively (less preferred), you can email us at [email protected].