This is a template project for a React-Typescript based project with eslint and prettier.
🌳 react-typescript-template ├── 📁 public | ├── 📄 favicon.ico | ├── 📄 index.html | ├── 🖼️ logo192.png | ├── 🖼️ logo512.png | ├── 📄 manifest.json | └── 📄 robots.txt ├── 📦 src | ├── 📄 App.tsx | ├── 📄 index.tsx | ├── 📄 react-app-env.d.ts | ├── 📁 components | | ├── 📁 common | | | ├── 📄 index.ts | | | ├── 📄 Logo.tsx | | ├── 📄 index.ts | | └── 📄 UserCard.tsx | ├── 📁 context | | └── 📄 example.tsx | ├── 📁 fixtures | | └── 📄 data.ts | | └── 📄 index.ts | ├── 📁 hooks | | └── 📄 useForm.tsx | | └── 📄 index.tsx | ├── 📁 interfaces | | └── 📄 Examples.ts | | └── 📄 index.ts | ├── 📁 layouts | | └── 📄 LayoutExample.tsx | | └── 📄 index.tsx | ├── 📁 lib | | ├── 📄 index.ts | | └── 📄 user.ts | ├── 📁 pages | | ├── 📄 Home.tsx | | └── 📄 index.ts | ├── 📁 styles | | └── 📄 global.css | └── 📁 utils | ├── 📄 getUser.ts | └── 📄 index.ts ├── 📄 .env ├── 📄 .eslintrc ├── 📄 package-lock.json ├── 📄 package.json ├── 📄 tsconfig.json ├── 📄 └── 📄 tsconfig.json
- If a utility function is a one time function it must be kept in the component file.
- All folders should contain an index.ts which should export all the relevant files.
- Do not use
export default
(reason) - All folders should have a index.ts to export all symbols
This folder contains the combination of multiple components and is the actual component displayed on the page, it is also a stateful component.
This folder contains multiple folders of each component and their multiple parts that return jsx. Recommended to be stateless.
- Contains components that are used by other components.
Higher order components that contain templates for each page.
Contains interfaces used by many functions.
Contains data that never changes and can also contain constants.
Contains all api calls
Contains all hooks.
Contains all useContext.
Contains useful functions used by many components.
Contains css files.
import * as React from "react";
export interface Props {
firstName: string;
lastName: number;
interface State {
text: string;
export function UserCard({ name, lastName }: Props) {
const [state, setState] = React.useState < State > { text: "state" };
return (
function getUserData(firstName, lastName) {
return firstname + "" + lastName;
- Both props and state have their own interface
- The react component does not have an interface as it will be inferred
- React function is not exported by default
- The one time utility function is kept within the component using it
import * as React from "react";
const AuthContext = React.useContext(null);
export interface Props {
children: React.ReactNode;
export function AuthProvider({ children }: Props) {
const [auth, setAuth] = React.useState(null);
return (
<AuthContext.Provider value={{ auth, setAuth }}>
export const useContext = () => React.useContext(AuthContext)
"Create new context": {
"prefix": "rtctx",
"body": [
"import * as React from 'react';",
"\nexport interface Props {\n\tchildren: React.ReactNode\n}",
"\nconst $1Context = React.createContext({});",
"\nexport function $1Provider({children}: Props) {",
"\tconst [$2, set$3] = React.useState($4);\n",
"\treturn (",
"\t\t<$1Context.Provider value={{ $2, set$3 }}>",
"\nexport const use$1 = () => React.useContext($1Context);"
"description": "Creates typescript context hook + provider wrapper"