The purpose of this project is to Analysis sales data of an Electronic store, extract meaning and answer some awesome business questions.
- Data Cleaning
- Data Exploration
- Data Visualization
- Data Manipulation
- Basic Statistics
- Python
- Numpy, Pandas
- Matplotlib
- Jupyter Notebook
This repo contains 12 months of sales data of an Electronic store for Analysis, Now everybody has their own different way of approaching any problem, for Data Analyst their main problem/task is to extract meaning from data and present/visualize it in such an easy and beautiful way for others to understand. I've divided this project in 4 main parts for easy and better understanding of Problem/Analysis.
- Loading Dataset
- Data Cleaning
- Adding some Necessary Columns
- Data Exploration (Most Important)
- linkedin:
- Gmail: [email protected]
This project was upgraded version of Keith Galli's data Science project on Youtube "Solving real world data science tasks with Python Pandas!" do check him out he's amazing.
Keith's Video link: